The air is getting crisp and the pumpkin spice is getting consumed so that can only mean one thing, fall is upon us. One of my favorite things to do every year around this time is grab an old console out of the closet, a handful of games, and go to town. What is your favorite Nintendo home console? [poll id=”6″]
Hello Infendo and welcome back to the site. As you all well know, the site has been down for going on 4 months now, but I promise you, we’re back! If you haven’t heard, I am the new owner of Nice to meet you! Long time readers may know me from my time on the website and podcast a few years ago. Now we’re looking for some opinions from everyone on the direction of the...
Let us known in the comments how you really feel about reading books on your DS! {democracy:115}
In Japan, there are DS titles to teach you just about anything you can think of. From how to cook, to how to smile, there’s no shortage of these instructional non-games, the bulk of which are focused on learning a new language: [youtube][/youtube] See how they hide the girl’s face when she’s speaking English at the end? Titles like this s...
Which old game do you think deserves a sequel? Tell us why you believe so in the comments and maybe we might read it next week during the podcast! {democracy:110}
After nearly 1000 votes, 59 percent of Infendo readers say they own more than one current generation console, which include Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3. Given that the majority of Infendo readers are gaming enthusiasts, that’s less than one might expect. It’s also soft proof that the majority of gamers only own a single console, because let’s face it: video games can be expensive, bot...
 The game has been out for a week now and you’ve had plenty of time to check it out. This week, we want to know: {democracy:42} Check out the results of last week’s poll on Infendo Radio 102, coming later this week!
Since the dawn of time, people have tried to get Doom to play on devices for which it was never intended. Seriously, though, homebrew applications for consoles and handheld game systems have been around for a while now. They really became popular on the DS due to many inexpensive devices making it fairly easy to do. This week we want to know: {democracy:41} If so, let us know what your favorit...