Infendo’s back, and needs your help. It’s Infendo poll time!

Infendo’s back, and needs your help. It’s Infendo poll time!

Hello Infendo and welcome back to the site. As you all well know, the site has been down for going on 4 months now, but I promise you, we’re back!

If you haven’t heard, I am the new owner of Nice to meet you! Long time readers may know me from my time on the website and podcast a few years ago.

Now we’re looking for some opinions from everyone on the direction of the site. Please participate in the poll below, and help bring Infendo back to it’s former glory, and beyond. It’s Infendo poll time!

[poll id=”2″]

We really appreciate everyone who participates in the poll. If you have any questions or comments, please drop us a line below!

Eugene lives in New Mexico and has been a life long gamer since getting his hands on an NES. Always partial to Nintendo, Eugene has made it a point to keep informed on all things Mario.