I know, I know, this is not exactly Nintendo news, however it could potentially affect future sales of the Wii U once the Xbox One is launched. According to Kotaku, “Microsoft will reverse course on their DRM policies for Xbox One, dropping their Internet requirements and all restrictions on used games”. This news has also been reported by WhatHiFi and GiantBomb. GiantBomb created th...
It seems that everywhere you turn, there is nothing but negative news surrounding the Wii U. Honestly, other than Infendo.com and a few other Nintendo centric websites, I cannot find anyone that has reported on the good aspects of the console. Instead they tell us about how horrible it is compared to two unreleased consoles (that incidentally we know very little about.). Could this stem from Je...
Work has been pretty busy for me the last few days, and I have had little time to focus on anything else, but today I decided that I needed to take a much needed break and browse the world of the interwebs. While sipping my coffee and wasting time on Youtube, I found the below video that was posted by RunTrainEntertainmen. The video is a short mockumentary on the life of a gamer. It hits on some...
The newest trailer for Sonic’s latest episodic release revealed this potentially disappointing news to the general public. Sonic 4: Episode I was, in my opinion, one of Sonic’s finest titles to date. Sure the physics were a bit…wonky, to be honest, but the game did everything else right – including holding a spot on the Wii Shop Channel, giving everyone a chance to play the...
Although this is not Nintendo Specific news, it could affect all NoA Fanboys and Girls just the same. RepublicanCongressman Joe Baca of California and Frank Wolf of Virginia have proposed a bill that would require video game developers to include a health warning label to be attached to all video games. This is bill would require similar warnings that are currently on packs of cigarettes. The pro...
Warren Spector and Disney France have sent out invitations for a March 27th announcement of an “EPIC PROJECT”. Rumors state that the announcement will reveal Epic Mickey 2, however other rumors hint that Epic Ducktales could be announced. I have not played Epic Mickey yet, but it is definitely on my list. As most of you know, I am a Kingdom Hearts Fanboy and have come to love the sl...
Recently, Dan posted an article about a new Super Nintendo game in development. As I read the article I felt a chill of excitement run down my spine and started thinking, would this really be a bad idea if it continued? I know that a lot of people out there will be against it. They will tell us that Emulators and downloads from the console specific stores are their choice of playing games from o...
I have to admit, I bought my Wii for two reasons. The first being for me and my kids to play the games and enjoy our time together. The second was to experience the interactive gaming experience and possibly lose a little weight and become a bit more healthy. When I first hooked it up and turned it on I tried out Wii Sports. It was amazing! I tried all of the events and found that after boxing...
I used to be a fanboy, but there are too many games to enjoy that my perspective has since changed. Nintendo will always be my favorite video game company because of their ability to bring a product to market that is above all else a fun experience, but even still, as a gamer I want to experience as many of those fun moments as possible, even if it isn’t on a Nintendo console. With that said...
While not exactly Nintendo news, IGN today has revealed that the next Xbox (how bout we DON’T call it the 720, shall we?) will be based on the AMD 6000 series of GPU architecture which was introduced last year. While we don’t know exactly what will ship inside the next Xbox, IGN cites that the GPU will be similar to the Radeon HD 6670, which sports DirectX 11, 3D, 1080p output, and mul...
The Microsoft conference has come and gone and you know what? Their presser seemed very….Nintendo. The majority of titles at the Microsoft presser seemed to be geared toward the market Nintendo has worked so hard to capture the last couple of years. Also, there seemed to be a lack of any new IPs from Microsoft aside from some Kinect stuff. ?If I was a kid, a lot of the Kinect titles would be...
When the Xbox 360 launched four years ago, developers were required to make high-definition games. Not any more, says Split/Second developer David Jefferies, in a guest column for Develop Magazine. “Now we are free to make the trade-off between resolution and image quality as we see fit,” he said. The news comes after a report revealed that less than half of Xbox 360 owners own an HDTV...