That’s what Gamaustrua analyst Matt Matthews suspects: The second point (of last year’s annual console sales) brings out is just how sequel-driven the top end of the market has become. Every game, with exception of Just Dance 2 and Batman: Arkham City is a sequel several times over. I’m just now beginning to try to follow the mobile/tablet gaming market, and while many of the g...
Remember when you were a wee little child and asked your parents for a dog but you couldn’t have one because of your little sisters allergies and were given a pet lizard instead? This week’s edition of Nintentunes is dedicated to that as it is an all reptile edition. This week we will go dinosaur hunting, eat sewer pizza, and even talk to our reptile mayors in the city. Join us, and as...
2011 was one heck of a roller coaster ride for Nintendo fans, wouldn’t you say? After coming off what I still consider to be one of the top five games to be released on Wii in Donkey Kong Country Returns at then end of 2010, Wii owners were left with little to nothing new to play until the release of Skyward Sword. Sure there were titles to fill the void such as Conduit 2, de Blob 2, and Kir...
Case in point: Tiger Woods will not be coming to Wii this year. This isn’t the first time EA has discontinued support for Nintendo. In fact, EA has largely had an unproductive relationship with Nintendo since the 16-bit wars, opting instead to work with Sega and the more favorable margin of the Genesis. At the same time, maybe simulation sports fans are a better fit on other platforms. What ...
[youtube][/youtube] Let’s be honest. 2011 wasn’t exactly the Nintendo Wii’s best year. Sales continued to dip, and it suffered a game drought that made even GameCube’s driest days seem prosperous in hindsight. But even so, there were still some great Wii games released last year. Believe me. I really had to look. Check out my picks ...
I live in New Mexico. New Mexico is primarily a desert. Despite this fact, I can hardly remember a winter in recent memory that has been so warm and precipitation free. I mean come on, this year I have been in shorts and a long sleeve shirt for the majority of the season, when in years past you couldn’t catch me without at least three layers on. What’s the deal mother nature! With that...
It seems like just yesterday when I was passing around copied floppy disks to all my friends at recess of Maniac Mansion. Even back then developers were plagued by rampant piracy that they attempted to curb, and I would get phone calls well into the night asking what the code for the door was that was located in the instructions manual. Today piracy hasn’t gone anywhere, and in fact one coul...
The first half of the year is obviously a down one for Nintendo. Some okay games on that list, but not any must haves. Of course, that could all change when Wii U drops in the fall’Nintendo is expected to detail the console and its launch games at E3 this summer. Still, what Nintendo games are you most excited to play? More 3DS? Wii U? A completely new surprise, a la Wii Sports? Or a specific game...
I can see you now. I bet you’re walking up to some store buying all of your end of the year celebration goodies. Confetti? Check. Fireworks? Absolutely. Some of you may even be looking for an adult beverage or two. The one thing you may be looking for that you can’t find in any stores is a list of top games on Nintendo consoles this year, and that’s where I come in. All around th...
Wired has a nice little piece on lower profile holiday Nintendo games, including the unsung Kirby’s Return to Dreamland: While the aforementioned games are more than mere serviceable diversions, Kirby’s Return to Dream Land is an unsung contemporary classic. It’s both deep enough to qualify as a game for true gamers and inviting enough so as not to alienate the untested, whether ...
The patch is coming via download, reports Andriasang. Snail mail options will be available to game owners without Internet access. The news comes after a game-ending bug was discovered last week.
In my short time as an Infendo contributor, Nintentunes has been one of my favorite parts about writing for the site. Although not everyone may care for the weekly (sometimes) segment, I love reliving video games through the fantastic music emerged throughout the years. If you love video game music as much as I do, click on through and enjoy the pure bliss that is Nintentunes!