Nintendo Direct

E3 Nintendo Direct set for June 11th

Hello. We already announced we will have another #NintendoDirectNA at E3, but now we can share the date/time: 6/11 at 7 am PT. #IwataSays — Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) May 23, 2013 Nintendo of America has announced via their Twitter account that they will be hosting a new E3-centric Nintendo Direct on June 11th. The presentation will commence at 10 AM Eastern and will be available for s...

Nintendo Direct 05.17.2013

New Nintendo Direct, tomorrow at 10AM EST! “We’re having a Nintendo Direct tomorrow to provide updates on upcoming summer Wii U and Nintendo 3DS games. Remember, you can watch live on Facebook here RSVP here: We’ll discuss future Wii U titles for fall and onward in a Nintendo Direct before the start of E3 2013.”

Major Wii U Spring Update Coming Next Week

During today’s Nintendo Direct, Nintendo confirmed that the long-awaited Wii U OS update will be arriving sometime next week. The update includes major improvements to the Wii U’s sluggish loading times, along with a slew of other features such as the Wii U Virtual Console (Edit: Nintendo has stated the Wii U VC will be available the day after the update). As mentioned, the loading tim...

Nintendo 3DS Direct Recap

Another Nintendo Direct has come and gone.  It has been a while since we last had the opportunity to see what is new in the world of Nintendo, so take a look at the details below and let us know if you are excited, or was this Nintendo Direct just fanservice? Before we get into the details, let’s see what some of the chatterers are saying in the sidebar: BiggerThanVinny Just give me some loc...

Nintendo Direct Valentine’s Day Recap

Here we are again, another Nintendo Direct has come and gone!  Many are expecting information new games, or new information on previously announced games.  Even more are wondering what type Ninfia is! I have my screen capture tool ready, and am wondering if Iwata or Reggie will come out dressed like Cupid… I want to apologize in advance for any mistakes made during this recap, as I am creati...

Nintendo Direct: Valentines Day Edition

Tune in tomorrow morning at 6AM PST for the next Nintendo Direct.  The below description was provided by the Nintendo Facebook Page. “Looking for a Valentine’s date? Join us tomorrow morning at 6 AM PST for a Nintendo Direct covering upcoming Nintendo 3DS and Wii U games! As always, you can watch on Facebook or on”

How would you change the Wii U?

Patches. Updates. Firmware. All of these words are usually met with disdain for gamers, as usually they go hand in hand with lengthy downloads and/or broken features that need fixing. With the latest Nintendo Direct, we learned that the Wii U would receive not just one, but two firmware updates in the next couple of months. Although the update will indeed take away from our precious game-time, let...

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker is reborn in HD

Nintendo was full of surprises today during the Wii U-centric Nintendo Direct. Aside from the announcement of the long-awaited Wii U version of the Virtual Console, updates from Bayonetta 2, a new Yoshi title, and a teaser trailer for Monolith Soft’s newest RPG, Nintendo threw a proverbial curve ball in the form of a Wind Waker HD remake. Satoru Iwata and Zelda series produce Eiji Aonuma bri...

Platinum Games gives us a sneak peek at Bayonetta 2

 [youtube][/youtube] During today’s Wii U-centric Nintendo Direct, Satoru Iwata graced viewers with a special sneak peek into the development of the Wii U exclusive Bayonetta 2. The short clip dives into the development process helmed by Platinum Games and what the developer intends to make this sequel more unique. However, the video does not show of...

Nintendo Direct 01.08.2013

The first Nintendo Direct of 2013 is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 6AM EST.  Included in the broadcast will be news about Pokémon, which is said to be for viewers worldwide.  Sounds good for those of us in North America. What are you hoping this news will include, Pokémon RPG, HD remakes of the classics, Pokémon Snap 2?

Japan Nintendo Direct Unboxes Wii U

If you missed today’s Nintendo direct (Japan Edition) you missed three segments on the Wii U.  In the first segment, we saw a Wii U un-boxing by Iwata.  Donning white gloves, he unwraps the console first, then the gamepad.  Something to note in the video below, The Dragon Quest X Wii U Beta is only for Japan. [youtube][/youtube] ...

Iwata Talks The Demise of Friend Codes, Miiverse. More To Come.

In a post-financial briefing analyst discussion last week, Iwata discussed a few things of interest concerning the (fast approaching!) Wii U. Details regarding Miiverse, as well as Nintendo’s overall online strategy,  in particular, have been…. Scant. Well, good news, a Nintendo Direct is currently being prepared to shed some more light on this shadowed area of Nintendo’s future....