Nintendo Direct

Nintendo Direct North America 10.25.2012 10:00 AM EST

Be sure to tune into today at 10:00 AM EST for the latest Nintendo Direct!  The focus is said to be on the 3DS, however I hope to see announcements similar to those in the Japanese broadcast.  The Japan broadcast showed us some new gameplay from Monster Hunter, Dragon Quest X (Wii U) and much more! Be sure to comment below, after watching and share your feedback on the broadcast!

Rumor: Game Boy Advance titles to finally make their way to 3DS eShop?

Ever since the 3DS Game Boy Virtual Console service was first unveiled, owners of Nintendo’s latest handheld have been clamoring at the thought of Game Boy Advance titles being available for purchase. For now, early adopters of the 3DS Ambassador program have only had the opportunity to download classic GBA titles on their handheld. However, according to a leaked image, that may possibly cha...

Nintendo Direct UK Mini Broadcast

Did you miss the UK Nintendo Direct Mini Broadcast?  So did I, however, Nintendo UK has made it available for us to view at our convenience! It is a short broadcast, however the summary is listed below: 00:00 Introduction by Mr Iwata 00:57 Intro to the course packs 04:13 Final statement from Mr Iwata   Click Here to view the broadcast

World Wide Nintendo Direct 09/13/2012

I think it is safe to assume that all of us are fairly excited about Thursday’s Nintendo Direct.  It is even more exciting to hear that Nintendo Europe will be holding their Nintendo Direct at exactly the same time as North America.  It looks like the news that they are releasing will definitely be important enough to tell the world at the same time (3PM UK time, 10AM EST). It is anticipated...

New Animal Crossing 3DS trailer unveiled

[youtube][/youtube] Today, Nintendo released new trailers for some of their upcoming 3DS titles via the Japanese edition of Nintendo Direct. The first of these trailers included Animal Crossing 3DS, which will release in Japan on November 8th for the Nintendo 3DS. Titled Animal Crossing: Jump Out!, the latest handheld version of Nintendo’s popular li...

Nintendo Direct 8.29.2012

In case you missed today’s Nintendo Direct (It was at 7AM EST), feel free to click here for a recorded broadcast.  Unfortunately, I do not speak Japanese, so I cannot be 100% sure what is being said, however the games look great!  I just hope we get most of them here in the North America!  Do you have a favorite from the video? **Essel Pratt works in an office by day and writes for Infendo.c...

Nintendo Direct: Your Feedback?

I have to admit, I missed last night’s Nintendo Direct Conference.  Maybe it is because I was up at around 6:30 in the morning, or that I had to get up at 6:30 again this morning, or it might have been the horrible headache that I had.  Whatever the “excuse”, I don’t feel like I missed much. I do like the announcement of the 3DS XL, but I doubt I will purchase one because m...

Special Nintendo Direct AiringTonight at Midnight EST

Be sure to tune in to tonight’s Midnight EST (9PM Pacific)  Nintendo Direct Live Event!  The broadcast can be viewed by visiting the Nintendo Direct homepage.  Satoru Iwata will be presenting news about the WII, DS, and 3DS.  Sorry, there is not expected to be any Wii U coverage. Since this live event will be happening just two weeks after E3, what do you think will be discussed?  Be sure to...

An extremely too in depth analysis of tonights Nintendo Direct

As uneventful as tonight’s Nintendo Direct was, we did get some confirmation on some rumors and speculation, as well as some brand new information to boot. Ready to speculate on tons of information in lieu of Nintendo’s big event this Tuesday? Me too! Hit the jump for a play by play of tonight’s Nintendo Direct!

Wii U Pro Controller revealed!

One of the biggest news to come out of today’s Nintendo Direct is the existence of a new controller design for Wii U. Not only will Wii U be compatible with all existing Wii peripherals (Wii Remote, Nunchuck, Classic Controller, and Balance Board), Nintendo today pulled the curtain on a more traditional style controller for the console. The Wii U Pro Controller looks an awful lot like an Xbo...

Missed todays Nintendo Direct? Check out the video right here!

[youtube][/youtube] While a bit underwhelming, as one member of today’s liveblog pointed out, at least now Nintendo can focus on the games. What do you all think? What was most exciting to you about the event today?

Nintendo Direct Happening Today

Global President Satoru Iwata will be hosting Nintendo Direct today at 3 PM PDT today and will be revealing new information on the Wii U! Let’s see what they have in store for us later this afternoon!