I think it is safe to assume that all of us are fairly excited about Thursday’s Nintendo Direct. It is even more exciting to hear that Nintendo Europe will be holding their Nintendo Direct at exactly the same time as North America. It looks like the news that they are releasing will definitely be important enough to tell the world at the same time (3PM UK time, 10AM EST).
It is anticipated that we will finally discover the Wii U pricing and release date, but what other tricks do they have up their sleeve?
I am sure we will hear more about some upcoming games, perhaps Professor Layton and Ace Attorney or See more game play for Super Mario Bros. Wii U. Maybe we will hear about some previously unannounced game? Regardless, I think the biggest trick is their timing.
As much as we are anticipating the Wii U final announcements, the World is anticipating the release of the new iPhone. Tomorrow the internet will be abuzz with APPLE fan-boys and girls, if a new iPhone is announced as assumed it will be. It might be even more abuzz if a new iPhone is not announced. Some news sites are claiming that Nintendo’s announcement will be shadowed by the iPhone, but I am not so sure.
Waiting until the day after the iPhone announcement would be much better than if they released pricing and release dates in the day prior to, or same day as the new iPhone. Sure the iPhone is big news, but we get a new one every year. we only rarely get a new Nintendo console!
Other than an official price/release date, what are your expectations of the Worldwide Nintendo Direct broadcast?
**Essel Pratt works in an office by day and writes for Infendo.com and Nerdzy.com in his spare time. He has published Two Stories and is working on a couple Novels and on Anthology. You can follow him on Facebook andTwitter.