Wii U

721 – Reflecting on the End of an Era

In Episode 721, we reflect on the closure of the 3DS and Wii U online services, marking the end of an era for Nintendo gaming. Join us as we share memories, insights, and thoughts on what this means for the gaming community.

Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition – Infendo Tag Team Review

Steve: Something happened to me with a game that I can only remember happening a small handful of times. I bought a game not once, not twice, but three times. Yes, three separate times. That game, was Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition. When Hyrule Warriors came to Wii U, I bought it and all of the DLC they offered for it ($69.98 total cost). I was quite happy with the game, but it got exceptional...

Intelligently Incorporating Adaptive Difficulty

or, How to Make Boss Battles More Challenging Without Punishing the Player If you’ve been following Infendo on YouTube, or listening to our weekly podcast, you’d already know that a couple months ago, I restarted The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in Master Mode. This was the first time I’ve started the game from scratch since day one, and the only time I’ve ever playe...

Switch Screenshots Creating Digital Clutter

One of the things I was excited about when I got my Switch was the fact that they made taking and sharing screenshots more convenient. Anyone who follows me on Twitter knows that I meticulously documented my journey through Breath of the Wild via screenshots. The prospect of doing so with the touch of one button could only improve the process, right? For those of you who didn’t use the featu...

Infendo Radio 409 – Gitty Up, Arcanine

Infendo Radio records every Wednesday night at 8:30 EST. Be sure to join us live, and please subscribe to our YouTube Channel! We would love for your voice to be heard on the show even if you can’t join us live, so hit us up! Tweet us @infendo, or shoot an email to [email protected]. Follow Infendo Radio Live Stream @Infendo @InfendoEugene @InfendoJustin @Mike_the_Poet @Mike_Da_Parrot @Jentas...

My Games Are Better Than Yours: Eugene’s Top 10 List of Games That Don’t Suck

Coming up with a list of ‘Best’ or ‘Top’ anything can be tricky. Just listen to Episode 400. For one, there isn’t a person on the planet who has played EVERYTHING, including the Infendo crew. While I might think a game such as Illusion of Gaia deserves top praise on any list, the vast majority of people don’t know what it is, or simply haven’t played it. Additionally, a beloved game such as Breath...

Steve Peacock’s Top 25 Favorite Nintendo Games

The idea for this article stemmed from Infendo Radio Episode 400. If you have not listened to that show….why are you here? Go listen! It was fantastic. The group had the idea to do an individual top 25 list, and I was the first one to say that sounded like a great idea. I was not able to be on 400, and was very disappointed by some of the games that got cut. For those of you that know me, you will...

Review: NES30 Pro and FC30 Pro Controllers by 8Bitdo

All-in-all, I am happy with my purchase. The controller works great on puzzle games, and I am confident that it will work well with NES Virtual Console games if they release on the Switch. It does not work for modern games as well, as they are designed around modern controllers. There are exceptions to this rule, of course. It is the perfect size to take on a trip, and even (some models) come with...

Review: NES30 Pro and FC30 Pro Controllers by 8Bitdo

Nintendo Switch Review By Steve Peacock Thinking back to when I preordered my Switch, I remember thinking how cool it was that the Switch was ready for two people to play right out of the box. We don’t generally have people over to play games with us, so I figured I would be okay with just the Joy-Con that come in the box. Boy, was I wrong. When Mario Kart 8 Deluxe came out, I began to look ...

Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild to get Expansion Pass

Nintendo announced that Breath of the Wild will be getting an expansion pack for $20 and will include the following.

Hanging up the Crown: Smash Wii U’s Losing its Tourney Mode

It’s a day that ends in “Y,” so you know what that means…more random Nintendo news! There was a rumor that started circulating recently that the Nintendo NX might be region-free, which would be wonderful news! This could lead into a whole new age for Nintendo gaming not seen since the SNES. The duality of Nintendo news is that there’s always a stoutly negative announc...

Tuesday Time Warp: Top 10 SNES RPGs

While every system has had its own unique role-playing games, no system has had a deeper, more brilliant selection than the Super Nintendo. Not only did the SNES boast one of, if not the, biggest selection of RPGs, it also carried easily some of the best games the genre has ever seen. From the fantastic stories to the endearing characters, from the addicting gameplay to the moving soundtracks, the...