Wii U

Up close and personal: The Wii U console

Aka the Mother Brain of Wii U. If my logic is correct, the new controller will not have a processor in it. Rather, it will stream stuff to and from the console, thereby allowing Nintendo to keep costs down. Any chance Ninty can release this for $299 or less next year?

It’s a bird! It’s a carp! The weirdest thing about Nintendo’s press conference

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wi5ga3mYp0c[/youtube] Remember that time when Nintendo showed an awkward trailer for Wii U that showed a bird flying around and carp jumping from the water? That was weird. That and the new crossbow controller looked pretty silly. Any other things about the conference that made you say WTF?

Gut reaction: What do you think of Wii U?

The console’s graphics look no better than PS3. It features a primary controller that streams video from the console. It’s backwards compatible with Wii games, Wiimotes, and other Wii peripherals. It supports interoperable mutliplayer with 3DS. It appears to have an abnormally high interest from HD developers. Your thoughts?Â