Nintendo was full of surprises today during the Wii U-centric Nintendo Direct. Aside from the announcement of the long-awaited Wii U version of the Virtual Console, updates from Bayonetta 2, a new Yoshi title, and a teaser trailer for Monolith Soft’s newest RPG, Nintendo threw a proverbial curve ball in the form of a Wind Waker HD remake. Satoru Iwata and Zelda series produce Eiji Aonuma briefly described aside from remastered HD graphics that Wind Waker HD will be playable on the TV and off-screen via the Wii U Game Pad and include Miiverse functionality. Aonuma states in the introduction that their plan is to rethink Zelda’s conventions and start fresh. Iwata and Aonuma later concluded that Wind Waker HD will release for the Wii U this fall.
Since the game’s release almost ten years ago, the art style of Wind Waker has been touted by critics and developers alike as one that has aged well since its release. With the announcement of this title’s HD reincarnation, this remake might just reinforce those claims.
Hit the jump to see the latest screenshots.