I saw this video in my Facebook News feed. I was unsure what to expect at first, then I clicked the play button. The visual was amazing, and although the game play needs a bit of work, I would love to see a Mario game of this caliber at least once. What are your thoughts? Also, I want to wish a very happy birthday to The Legend of Zelda! On February 21st, 1986 the legend was born. I can...
Nintendo was full of surprises today during the Wii U-centric Nintendo Direct. Aside from the announcement of the long-awaited Wii U version of the Virtual Console, updates from Bayonetta 2, a new Yoshi title, and a teaser trailer for Monolith Soft’s newest RPG, Nintendo threw a proverbial curve ball in the form of a Wind Waker HD remake. Satoru Iwata and Zelda series produce Eiji Aonuma bri...
Speaking to Wired last week about the conceptual Wii U demo of Zelda HD (pictured), here’s what producer Eiji Aonuma had to say: “You probably remember that when we introduced the GameCube, we showed a somewhat realistic Zelda demo,” he said. “And what we actually created was the cel-shaded Wind Waker. So when we show a graphic demo, people think, ”˜Oh, this is what the next Zelda will look...
The nine year old graphic technology of the Wii is finally showing its age. Despite this, Nintendo seems set on drinking console milk beyond its expiration date. “I do not think that there is an immediate need to replace the Wii console,” Nintendo president told Reuters this week. “But of course, at some point in the future, the need will arise.” If he’s talking about...
HD gaming, at least as it has been applied to this current generation of consoles by feverish marketing departments who overshot their markets by a mile, is a myth. Always has been. As such, there is almost certainly no Wii HD console coming out anytime soon. Can I be an analyst now?
More from than wonderful Epic Games Mark Rein interview, where he’s been lofting anti-core quotes high into the air in such a way that they glide gently back to earth like falling snow. Truly, for such a slow news day it sure feels like a glorious Christmas in July to me right now: “Over half the users who played Gears of War 2 so far do not have HDTVs.” That popping sound you he...