Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Infendo! This week, we share with you some of our favorite music for the holidays!
There have been many great video game soundtracks to come out over the years, and we hear at Infendo like to honor them through our Nintentunes segment on the Infendo Radio Podcast!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! This week Infendo Radio comes to you a day early so as to help celebrate the holidays with video game music! In this episode of Infendo Radio will be a video game winter music best of, so we hope you enjoy the show! We would love for your voice to be heard on the show, so hit us up! Tweet us @infendo, or shoot an email to [email protected]. Section Break...
Jake Kaufman, music composer for games like Shovel Knight and Mighty Switch Force!, is getting to be quite well-known, and for good reason. Shovel Knight was recently released on the eShop for both Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, and in addition to being very well received, the game has an amazing chiptune soundtrack that you can download right over here on Jake’s Bandcamp page. I haven’t play...
[youtube][/youtube] I’m either tooting my own horn here, or demonstrating just how bad I am at beating video games, but today’s YouTube Spotlight is a playlist of my own making: music from games I’ve beaten. There are 50 tracks on the playlist, though it may be missing some, as I only counted games I currently have available to me. I ca...
A pretty cool project called Harmony of Heroes, is a fan arrangement of Super Smash Bros music covering several genres of music and many artists and musicians from around the world. Harmony of Heroes is a not-for-profit album and will be released later in 2014 as a free album. With the first preview you’ll get a sample of the music that they’ve been working on for the past while. You ...
[youtube][/youtube] Our friends over at Pure Nintendo have posted sound clips of the Wii U’s boot up music, alongside other dandy jingles that will accompany you when tinkering with the console’s Mii Maker and various menus. The sound clips were provided by the fine folks at, and so far the sampled Wii U clips offer a cheerful, y...
New Mexico is famous for a couple of things: Green chile, The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, birthplace of Smokey the Bear. In Spring, New Mexico is known for something else, wind. I don’t know how to describe how windy it is outside in the New Mexico area. One example is that this morning during our soccer game, we had to move to another field because the wind ripped the goal fro...
Another Sunday, another edition of Nintentunes, the weekly journey down video game music memory lane. To me, music is one of the most underappreciated aspects of video games, and deserves its just as much as the visuals and gameplay mechanics. This week the worlds game is played by an unlikely robot, Mario picks up a tennis racket for the first time, and the first (and only) of the Capcom Five hit...
I used to be a fanboy, but there are too many games to enjoy that my perspective has since changed. Nintendo will always be my favorite video game company because of their ability to bring a product to market that is above all else a fun experience, but even still, as a gamer I want to experience as many of those fun moments as possible, even if it isn’t on a Nintendo console. With that said...
WARNING: What follows is an off-topic post. Get out while you can, man! Looking for some fresh music to listen to this weekend? Do you enjoy what the kids call “Electronic Dance Music”? If so, skip over to my personal blog and grab a one hour continuous dubstep mix I put together. Before you say, “Eww, dubstep,” know that I weeded through hundreds of what I would agree is m...
NES – Bionic Commando [youtube] [/youtube]Back in the days when most of my gaming experiences came from borrowing games from other people, and my uncle was the biggest gamer I knew (which also made him the coolest), I would spend many a weekend visiting family with all of us huddled...