
Ruminations on 3D

With the Nintendo 3DS fervor of late, does that mean the Virtual Boy wasn’t technically a failure, but a gadget before its time? Personally, I think the widely accepted answer to that question may be that the technology was poorly executed (headaches!) and the idea of it was sound, but it was simply too early to be widely accepted by the masses. The 3DS, for me, shows we’re “read...

Top 3 Nintendo libraries that need a 3DS overhaul

Of  all of the amazing 3DS demos Nintendo showed at E3, one of the most overlooked was a 3D port of the classic arcade shooter Xevious. It featured no new graphics or gameplay elements, levels, or power-ups ”“ it was a direct simple port of a definitively 2D game, slightly tweaked for depth perception. The result? The game looked a little more fresh ”“ the ground far below the aircraft”¦ actually...

Nintendo: 3DS in “all of major markets by March 31”

Whatever the 3DS ends up costing, Nintendo has at least guaranteed a time frame of when the new portable will be available in stores. “One thing, for sure, is that we will launch in all of our major markets by March 31, 2011,” Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime told Industry Gamers yesterday. When asked about the absence of specific pricing and availability, Fils-Aime added...

Infendo at Nintendo’s E3 Presser

[youtube][/youtube] Ever wondered what Nintendo’s press event looked like from row 3? Then check out the event from our perspective.  Will, myself, and a few friends from around the Internet check out the presser. See our predictions, reactions, and two of our company (including Will) being the first E3 attendees to get their hands on Zelda: Skyward...

Nintendo 3DS just keeps getting better and better

Our intrepid trio of Infendo editors will surely have video impressions of the 3DS up later, but for now I just had to do a quick post on some of the stuff I’ve read already. Tell me if this sounds as awesome to you as it did for me:

PSA For Nintendo Fans

If you haven’t checked out Nintendo’s E3 Network yet, check it out! They’ve got screenshots and trailers for most of the great new games announced by the Big N this morning. They’ve also got some in depth interviews with Miyamoto, Sakurai, and others about the 3DS, Kid Icarus, and others. They’ve even got footage from the Nintendo Booth itself. I found myself sucked i...

Images straight from Nintendo Press Conference

Our Infendo team is working to get more impressions from the show floor. Hit the jump for a few more images snapped at Nintendo’s press conference.

Nintendo’s subtle E3 2010 megaton

I’m biased, of course, but Nintendo just “won” E3 with a relatively simple, games-focused keynote and in the process severely gimped poor Sony, which has to follow that oozing-with-game announcements presentation in a few minutes. Hands-down. Seriously, look at every tab on this page. Then look at the 3DS launch lineup. Staggering stuff. Almost un-Nintendo, if we go by last year&...

Infendo ”“ E3 2010 Nintendo Press Conference LIVE BLOG

It’s that time again, Nintendo fans! Hit the jump for live coverage direct from Nintendo’s Press Conference!

This could be the 3DS, if it is…

Kotaku has created a picture of what could possible be the Nintendo DS through the means of magic and sorcery. What type of magic and sorcery this could be is unknown, but probably is of the darker arts and having to sacrifice ones first born to Reggie. In other news, the 3DS looks like it has support for a Wii Remote and a really wider screen… but what do you guys think?

What do you want to see at E3?

On Tuesday morning, Nintendo will detail all the new crap they plan to sell over the next year. For the rest of that week, Infendo staffers will be on hand to cover event. Two things we wanna know: What are you hoping Nintendo will show? What do you want us to cover the most? Have a great weekend, everyone.