Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch UI sucks. Here’s how to fix it.

The Nintendo Switch is an amazing little system with one glaring problem: The Nintendo Switch UI is awful. Let's make it better, shall we?

A Trip Inside My Mind Part 2: Crash Bandicoot

I was out to lunch this week with my good friend Coby this week at work. As we were talking about things, I happened to mention my Donkey Kong article, and then the Switch came up in conversation. I told him I was picking up the Crash Bandicoot ‘N Sane Trilogy for Switch, and how crazy it was that Crash Bandicoot was coming to Switch. He said “Wow! I remember Crash Bandicoot”. Th...

A Trip Inside My Mind Part 1: Donkey Kong

For a while now I've contemplated writing an article about why certain game series have stuck with me over the years, and what they really mean to me. Then I got thinking about the list of games that are truly important that I would want to spotlight. There's a lot of games on that list. So many, in fact, I have decided to change the format of this article. If I was to write the article as it orig...

The Nintendo Switch Effect

There is no secret that Nintendo is on top of it’s game this generation with the Nintendo Switch. Who knew that gamers would be so taken by the fact that the Nintendo Switch can be taken on the go, as well as played in high definition on the big screen? The Big N banked hard this for their seventh generation console, and so far, it has paid off in dividends. However, the Nintendo Switch eShop rais...

Sony Shamed By Minecraft

Well everybody, it’s finally happened! If you follow me at all, you know I absolutely love my Minecraft. Don’t believe me? Check out my full review of the Minecraft: Switch edition here. The Minecraft Bedrock Edition Update dropped for Switch! It actually dropped sometime between 10pm MDT (6-20-2018) and 1am MDT (6-21-2018). I can’t recall the time exactly, because I was playing ...

The Emulation Situation

I think it’s safe to assume that most gamers have dabbled in emulation at one point or another. It’s a quick and easy way to play rare, foreign, and classic games. It is also a handy way to keep all of those games together without taking up a lot of physical space. To its detractors, emulation is as bad as stealing. You’re playing a game you didn’t pay for on hardware the c...

Why Be Cranky About Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze?

??Watch Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze from Jentas on For listeners of Infendo Radio, it’s no secret that I am not a huge fan of Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. My wife and I played through the first three worlds together on Wii U. I played as Diddy, Dixie, and Cranky, and she played as Donkey Kong. Together we were able to conquer a lot of the game, but my goodness w...

Why Be Cranky About Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze?

??Watch Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze from Jentas on For listeners of Infendo Radio, it’s no secret that I am not a huge fan of Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. My wife and I played through the first three worlds together on Wii U. I played as Diddy, Dixie, and Cranky, and she played as Donkey Kong. Together we were able to conquer a lot of the game, but my goodness w...

Infendo Radio 438 – Pokéception

Infendo Radio is a Nintendo podcast that records every Wednesday night at 8:30 EST. Be sure to join us live, and please subscribe to our YouTube Channel! Love Nintendo podcasts? Want to support Infendo Radio? Be sure to check out our Patreon page today! We would love for your voice to be heard on the show even if you can’t join us live, so hit us up! Tweet us @infendo, or shoot an email to t...

Infendo Review – The Way Remastered (Switch)

The Way Remastered - Final Opinion All that aside, The Way Remastered is really enjoyable. The gameplay, while not complex or overly engaging, keeps you thinking and feels very fluid and natural. The story is touching and well written. It's clear the developer had something they wanted to get out through this game. There's a lot to like about this game, if you go into it with the right mindset. I...

Infendo Review – The Way Remastered (Switch)

Do You Know The Way? The Way Remastered is, you guess it, a remastered version of the 2016 PC  game The Way. The game is best described as a puzzle/platformer, usually requiring the player to explore specific, unique areas to progress. There’s a lot to experience in this title if that sounds like your cup of tea, but does it work on a broader scale? That will largely depend of your tastes fo...

Membrane Review (Switch)

Now That’s What I Call a Sticky Situation!   A man is sitting quietly in his living room, scrolling mindlessly through Facebook when, without warning, he hears a faint buzzing. A fly has flown in through the open window. It circles his head, buzzes his ear, meanders around the room for a few seconds, and lands comfortably on his leg. He stares it a for a moment, contemplating his option...