320 search results for "history of nintendo"

Did Nintendo just admit the death of dedicated handheld gaming?

Like many of you, I awoke to news yesterday that Nintendo had cut the price of the 3DS by an unprecedented 32% in one fell swoop. Wired Magazine called it a “fire sale.” More unprecedented was how quickly it happened; only four months after the 3DS launch. (NOTE: Nintendo’s other slow selling systems, N64 and GameCube, saw 25% price drops six months after launch. Virtual Boy was ...

Review: Can a remake qualify as one of Nintendo’s best-ever releases? Yes!

The return of a classic title on a new platform rarely causes amazement. But this is no ordinary updating or simple port. It’s a complete rebuild, aimed at keeping a great game–possibly the best game Nintendo’s ever made–entertaining and relevant for a new generation, as well as Zelda’s ever-growing fan base. Nintendo did this right. The result is spectacular. It̵...

I don’t think Nintendo ever had any idea what it was doing

The Wii and the Nintendo philosophy of 2005’the console and company with such promise’are dead. They just don’t know it yet.

Nintendo drops DS to $100, plays favorites with its own games

Nintendo today dropped the price of the DS Lite to $100, effective June 5. They’re also re-realeasing Mario games in red boxes, which have proven to help boost sales. As a reminder, it’s stuff like this that rubs independent publishers the wrong way, since Nintendo doesn’t allow them to release specially colored boxes. 

Nintendo news round-up: Wii console and game price drops, Humble Bundle, Wii Play: Motion and more

– Within the past week, major retailers such as Amazon, Target, GameStop, and Wal-Mart quietly dropped the price of the latest Wii bundle (which includes Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, a MotionPlus remote, and Nunchuk) from $199.99 to $169.99. If you’re reading this site yet somehow still don’t own a Wii, it looks like there couldn’t be a better time to finally get your han...

Nintendo news round-up: 3DS app details, Metroid cameos and more

– The upcoming game Dead or Alive Dimensions pays homage to Metroid: Other M with a Ridley boss fight stage and a cameo by everyone’s favorite bounty hunter (video in link). I wonder if Samus will be authorized to enter the fray herself. Or keep her clothes on. It’s a DoA game, after all. ( Joystiq ) – New details emerge regarding the 3DS’s built-in utility apps, such...

5 reasons Nintendo is not doomed

There’s been a lot of apocalyptic-sounding Nintendo doomsaying as of late around the net since the details of the 3DS launch were unleashed upon the world, resulting in angry fans venting online, plagues of locusts, gnashing of teeth, the opening of the seventh seal — the whole nine yards. The latest herald of Nintendo’s apparent self-inflicted Armageddon is MSNBC, which today de...

Poll: What’s the worst Nintendo peripheral ever?

Nintendo Gal last week examined some of the most neglected Nintendo peripherals in history. What would you vote as the worst? {democracy:130}

On this day five years ago, Nintendo unveiled the Wii-mote

Exactly five years ago, Nintendo unveiled its game-changing motion controller, the Wii Remote, at a press conference in Tokyo. With all that we now know, here’s what the company said on that fateful day:

Nintendo’s next gen “console” will be strangely portable

Congrats, Blake. You inspired me this morning with your impromptu poll about Nintendo’s next console and when it might arrive. I took the poll, but here’s my guess, fleshed out all hyperbole and speculation-like: The next Nintendo console could arrive in late 2010, but an early 2011 arrival is more likely. It will be called the 3DS.

Remember these? The best catch-phrases in video game history

How many of these classics and clunkers are you familiar with? It’s So Reeeeeeal! Thank you, Sammy Sosa, for one of the best lines ever: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBazo5uciVc[/youtube] At the launch of N64, Nintendo dared us to “Change the System!” and abandon the load-time heavy Playstation. This came after a campaign urging players to stick with SNES because, R...

Nintendo confirms “Super Mario Collection Special Pack” UPDATE

With its 2D retro revival game library prepared to continue its march unabated this holiday season thanks to Donkey Kong Country Returns and a new stringy Kirby title, Nintendo seems content to dip into the past for the time being when it comes to releasing major first party titles. And with the success of the New Super Mario Bros. franchise, the Virtual Console, and the inevitable success of the ...