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Welcome to the Infendo Presents: The History of Nintendo! Join us as we chronicle Nintendo from their humble hanafuda beginnings, to the dominance of the Wii and DS and beyond! It was no secret that Nintendo had lost its stranglehold on the home console market long before the launch of the GameCube. The last vestiges of their console dominance was during the mid-90’s when the SNES was king, ...
Welcome to the Infendo Presents: The History of Nintendo! Join us as we chronicle Nintendo from their humble hanafuda beginnings, to the dominance of the Wii and DS and beyond! With Nintendo in such a precarious position in the home console space following the success of their first two consoles, many analysts at the time were ready to write Nintendo off. The Nintendo 64 was a failure they would s...
Welcome to the Infendo Presents: The History of Nintendo! Join us as we chronicle Nintendo from their humble hanafuda beginnings, to the dominance of the Wii and DS and beyond! Nintendo found themselves in an interesting position after the turn of the millennium. Never before had they failed to be market leader in the console space, but the race between the Nintendo 64 and the Sony Playstation was...
Welcome to the Infendo Presents: The History of Nintendo! Join us as we chronicle Nintendo from their humble hanafuda beginnings, to the dominance of the Wii and DS and beyond! To this point in Nintendo’s history, it could be said that the company had reached its lowest point in its long existence. Nintendo still managed to stay profitable with the Nintendo 64, but the company had begun to l...
Welcome to the Infendo Presents: The History of Nintendo! Join us as we chronicle Nintendo from their humble hanafuda beginnings, to the dominance of the Wii and DS and beyond! To this point in its history, Nintendo has made almost no poor business decisions, almost to the point of clairvoyance. Aside from an early mishap by a young Hiroshi Yamauchi in the Laser Clay Shooting System, Nintendo has ...
Welcome to the Infendo Presents: The History of Nintendo! Join us as we chronicle Nintendo from their humble hanafuda beginnings, to the dominance of the Wii and DS and beyond! By the time Nintendo was ready to release there next console in 1990, you would be hard pressed to find a child in America that didn’t know the name Mario. When else can you remember a feature film released that was b...
Welcome to the Infendo Presents: The History of Nintendo! Join us as we chronicle Nintendo from their humble hanafuda beginnings, to the dominance of the Wii and DS and beyond! Outside of Japan, if you asked your average person if they knew who Nintendo was in 1979, chances are you would get a resounding no. Fast forward just a few short years to 1981 and the name Nintendo was on the collective co...
Welcome to the Infendo Presents: The History of Nintendo! Join us as we chronicle Nintendo from their humble hanafuda beginnings, to the dominance of the Wii and DS and beyond! When last we left Nintendo, the company was just starting to crawl out from behind their toy-making shadow with their entrance into the arcade market. At this point, many key people at the company were beginning to emerge w...
Welcome to the Infendo Presents: The History of Nintendo! Join us as we chronicle Nintendo from their humble hanafuda beginnings, to the dominance of the Wii and DS and beyond! Make sure to check back in everyday for more content! So if you couldn’t believe that Nintendo started off making cards, it may have been even more surprising that they also made plastic toys. By the end of 1977, when...
Welcome to the Infendo Presents: The History of Nintendo! Join us as we chronicle Nintendo from their humble hanafuda beginnings, to the dominance of the Wii and DS and beyond! Make sure to check back in everyday for more content! When last we left Nintendo, hanafuda was on it’s way out as toy making was the new profit driver with successes such as The Ultra Hand and the Ultra Machine. Meanw...
Welcome to the Infendo Presents: The History of Nintendo! Join us as we chronicle Nintendo from their humble hanafuda beginnings, to the dominance of the Wii and DS and beyond! Make sure to check back in everyday for more content! By now it’s pretty common knowledge that long before Nintendo was in the video game making business, the company got its start producing handmade hanafuda cards i...
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMhFA5izRgQ[/youtube] Animators Anthony Veloso and Quentin Dron have created a clever video that highlights the history of Nintendo’s home consoles and handhelds. Not be confused with Brawl in the Family’s History of Nintendo tribute, the video starts off with the company’s popular Game & Watch handhelds from the early 1980s and ends wi...