320 search results for "history of nintendo"

The History of Nintendo, The Musical

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xR5DaYuDWYs[/youtube] To celebrate their 400th comic strip, Brawl in the Family creator Matthew Taranto put together a wonderful and well-thought out musical number chronicling the long history of Nintendo as a special gift to his fans. At just under four minutes, Taranto drew, wrote, and sung the entire piece that highlights Nintendo’s humble beginnin...

History of Nintendo’s handhelds

Gamepro has a great piece up about Nintendo’s long history in the handheld market. Noticeably absent is the Game & Watch series, but everything else is there. I can remember paying a ridiculous amount at my local import shop to have a Game Boy Light imported from Japan, only for the Game Boy Color to release less then a year later. Go brush up on your handheld history in-between 3DS ...

Youtube Tuesday – History of Nintendo [Icons]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCai4W1IAmQ[/youtube] Remember back in the day when G4 use to be a good TV Station about video games?

The History of Nintendo

In case you haven’t already seen this oldie but goody, Gamespot has a nice little profile on Nintendo’s longstanding history in the entertainment business. From the article: “Nintendo has been in existence in one form or another since 1889, making it the oldest company to be involved in the manufacturing of video games. Started in Kyoto, Japan, by Fusajiro Uamauchi, the business ...

Nintendo’s surprising history in gambling

Gambling in Japan is not yet legal, at least not in the general sense. Horse racing and pachinko machines are a dime a dozen, But you won’t see any casinos in the Land of the Rising Sun, at least not yet. In December 2016, the Japanese parliament passed a new law that opens the door to the gambling industry, and a potential $30 billion a year industry. That isn’t to say that the Japane...

Nintendo and EA: A Love/Hate History

In recent weeks, there has been a lot of tension between our beloved Nintendo and the Gaming giant Electronic Arts.  With the announcement that the Wii U would not receive the new Madden, and the disappointing news about the Frostbite Engine’s incompatibility with the console.  Many have wondered where this recent animosity has stemmed from, unaware that neither gaming juggernaut has ever re...

Screen Printed Nintendo UK History By Adam Benton

Sometimes we receive ideas form our fans via tips@infendo.com (please let us know if you would, or would not, like your name mentioned in an article if the idea is chosen).  This is one of those “fan finds”. Adam Benton, a graphic design student from Essex, created this screen printed book recapping Nintendo’s UK history. “This is one of my final books for my bookmaking and...

Is Nintendo Wii U poised to have the best launch in Nintendos history?

Nintendo has been taking a lot of flack as of late, what with their recent drop in share prices in the Japanese stock market, and the lackluster and quite frankly rushed 3DS launch. Fast forward a few months and Nintendo seems to be on the right track once again. Both Wii U bundles are already selling out online, not even a week after their big pricing announcement and aside from a few naysayers o...

What’s your Nintendo launch history?

To my surprise, I realized the 3DS will become only the second Nintendo platform I’ve bought at launch–the first being N64. Ordinarily, I wait until there’s a larger game library. But, just as N64’s virtual Mario universe had me counting down the days until it hit store shelves, there’s something about the AR games/3D camera/Mii integration of 3DS that greatly appeals...

Nintendo news round-up: Wii sells 35 million faster than any console in history, DOA DLC, and more

– Early last year, the Wii officially surpassed the NES as the best-selling Nintendo console in history. Now, according to a new press release, the Wii claims another milestone as it has sold 35 million consoles in the US faster than any other console in history. The sales figures of recent releases such as Donkey Kong Country Returns aren’t doing too shabby, either. Check out the full...

Review: 20 Years of Nintendo Power is entertaining history abridged

Scott Pelland can write. As a staff writer and later managing editor of Nintendo Power for 20 years (1987-2007), I can’t think of a better historian to tell “the history of Nintendo through the pages of the official magazine,” which is precisely what Pelland did in the special edition of 20 Years of Nintendo Power. After reading it, I’m convinced he’s the grandfather ...