6200 search results for "nintendo"

Revolution’s Last Stand?

AndPop has a new post on Nintendo and their upcoming Revolution launch. The author, having a chip on his shoulder, believes an online Smash Bros. for Revolution would be Nintendo’s savior. (What?) If console strategy were that simple, everyone would make it. So if Revolution underperforms, do you think Nintendo will still make consoles?

Official Winner

You are looking at the best console of this generation, the Nintendo GameCube. Biased coming from a Nintendo blog? You bet. Bold statement? Oh yeah. Has the most “great” games? Yup. Has the fastest load times? Undisputed. Best controller? Yes. Most affordable? Check. Has a kiddy connotation attached to it? Check that one too. Did you really care? No. She had her down falls (think onlin...

Double Trouble

Look at these things! With great games, and good looks, Nintendo is going to do just fine in the handheld market. Contrary to popular belief, Ninny knows best when it comes to portables.

Why a router?

Does anyone know why Nintendo would launch a branded router as reported? Wireless routers (even USB ones) are a dime a dozen. I guess they could earn a few extra bucks, but I just don’t see the logic behind this move if it were in fact true. Am I missing something?

Revolution Docking Station?

IGNIQ is claiming to have received an anonymous email hinting at who knows what. The post, while vague, has some interesting insights, such as what the docking station is used for, and how the Rev’s small size could have some functionality. I must say, all this speculation is insane. Nintendo better bring the heat later this year if they want to live up to all this hype and talk. “We c...

Why an Italian plumber?

I would be interested to know how Nintendo came up with the concept of an Italian plumber called Mario. I mean, really. How/why did they opt for that concept? Any insider information lingering out there?

Japanese ? (love) the DS

The Nintendo DS rocked the Japanese video game hardware market again in June. It surpassed PS2 sales by 120,000 units making it by far the best selling system over there. That makes three months in a row that the DS has led Japanese hardware sales. It will be interesting to see the US numbers for June.[Source: MSN Japan]

Rev Controller = V Pocket?

I actually feel silly posting this cause it looks so ridiculous (we’re talking sharpy fake here). We received this image last night via email that puts an emphasis on the “v” in Revolution. It turns out that in December 2004 Nintendo did in fact register what they call “V Pocket”. Could the Revolution controller be the V pocket? If you got more info, let the commentin...

PSP Outselling DS in US

According to PSP World, the PSP shipped approximately 250,000 units in May compared to only 57,000 DS units in the same month. Combined with the GBA, Nintendo faired better than Sony, but hopefully that bundle action will pick up sales here stateside. It should be interesting to see if Nintendogs has the same effect here as it did in Japan.[Source: PSP World]

What GameCube Really Means

Next Generation online has just posted a rather critical article on the GameCube. While the article makes some valid points, I disagree when they say the GameCube didn’t innovate. They even say Wind Waker wasn’t a great game and called GTA3 the most creative game of the past generation?…. Uh…yeah. Mindlessly walking around shooting people and hooker power-ups just screams i...

Say it ain’t so…

Someone please tell me that the Revolution Logo Nintendo revealed at E3 was a prototype. This thing looks cheesy, thrown together, and cliche. I mean c’mon, a circular disc to symbolize a revolution? Can I get a witness?

DS Sales Spiked by 86%

Thanks to the Electric Blue DS/Mario 64 bundle, the unit has been selling like hot cakes. Since the launch of Nintendo DS in November, more than 1 million copies of Super Mario 64 DS have sold, making it the most popular DS game available. Still don’t have one? Better hurry, this promotion will only last through July 31. Is anyone still surprised by the DS’s huge success? [Source: Plan...