Monday, May 16th, a big wish comes true for many game fans: Chrono Trigger, the original time-bending, actions-have-consequences, multiple-endings, medieval, futuristic, Tolkienesque, steampunk, everything-but-the-kitchen-sink Super Nintendo RPG classic arrives on Wii via the Virtual Console service. Eight bucks for one of the best games ever created. Not a bad deal. Click here for more informatio...
You’ve crossed the desert to find the Vegas-like city of Nimbasa in turmoil as the Pokemon-rights thugs wreak havoc. They’re hiding in the amusement park. You really should take action right now, but”¦You have a chance to feature your Pokemon in that stage musical across the street, and you want to see how your Krokorok looks in a top hat. Saving the world can wait. Welcome to the weir...
… just check out their nominees for RPG of the year. Way to completely ignore the DS, the premiere RPG platform. Dragon Quest IX immediately comes to mind, as does Etrian Odyssey 3. Let’s all try to name as many 2010 RPG games that they missed. Go!
I have been following this title since it was originally announced way back in the day. It has been compared to various Nintendo games and have even been under scrutiny how close it resembles some of them. While I wish that this game could be released on the Wii, it seems the only option is the PS3 due the sheer amount of processing power the game needs to operate. However, I was sure that this ti...
Awakened Shadow is being developed by tri-Crescendo, the studio behind Eternal Sonata, and they are working hard to Blue Dragon role-playing experience to DS players in the United States in Spring 2010. The game is a continuation of the series, and is set two years after the original Blue Dragon story for the Xbox 360. For the first time in the series, the player can assume the role of the main ch...
From the developers who worked on the Final Fantasy DS ports, comes a game that has been in the works since the Super Nintendo era. Produced by the team responsible for the Fatal Frame series. Nostalgia is a game that is supposed to drag up those nostalgic feelings of playing an old school Super Nintendo RPG games, and while Nostalgia is based on an alternate 19th-century Earth. Adventuring is a s...
Aspyr just sent over a copy of Fighting Fantasy The Warlock of Firetop Mountain. Which is the book the upcoming DS game of the same name is based on. Fighting Fantasy is apparently a long series of choose your own adventure books that were really popular in Europe but never really caught on in the US. The real attractive thing about this book is that you actually get to make a character. It’...
Shin Megami Tensai: Devil Survivor for the Nintendo DS is a jump into the long line of Shin Megami Tensai games. The series has always dealt with various degrees of biblical ideology; usually involving angels or demons tempting man. Devil Survivor does all that while bringing in a whole new strain on humans, the desire to survive during a catastrophe and what it means to be good or evil.
One of Nintendo’s new IPs for this year is Fossil Fighters for the Nintendo DS. A game which mixes what made Pokemon great with the trilling and exciting world of being an archaeologist. Eh… if you can consider archeology to be a very exciting topic. Either way the game is something new and something old all in one, come join me on Vivosaur Island to find out what Fossil Fighters is al...
Black Sigil is a game that was published by Graffiti Entertainment and developed by Studio Archcraft, a Canadian developer who spent many years on an original 16-bit-style RPG. The game is based similar in the style of many loved Super Nintendo role playing games; mainly based on a similar battle style to Chrono Trigger, and the depth of character development in Final Fantasy VI. Black Sigil Blade...
Square-Enix has a teaser website up for a mysterious new game. Anyone have any idea what the game is? Could it be a remake or an original IP. The only thing that is noticeable is that the teaser website has a 8bit song playing in the background… but so far no one has figured out what game it is from. What do you Infendudes think? Teaser website
Nostalgia is a game that is set in an alternate real world 19th-century Earth. In this alternate world people have control over magic and electronic technology has declined in favor of Steam Punk style technology. However, the most interesting thing about Nostalgia is that the game that is suppose to give you that Nostalgic feeling of playing an old school Super Nintendo RPG. While giving you a co...