
Could Xbox be Banned from the US?

I know what you are thinking, this isn’t an article about Nintendo.  You are right, it isn’t…at least not directly. In 2010, Motorola sued Microsoft for infringement of 16 patents.  I won’t bore you with the details, however Motorola had requested that Microsoft cease using their patented technology and provide compensation for past infringement.  Needless to say, Microsoft...

What If..?

It seems that every generation has a series of consoles that battle over gaming dominance. Probably the greatest was Nintendo VS Sega.  I actually loved both systems equally, but always leaned a little towards Nintendo. At times the NES/Sega battle got pretty intense with advertisements such as the one pictured above.  At the time it was great seeing them battle it out because new and exciting gam...

Cause for concern? Report says Apple is now Japan’s top consumer brand

A report published from the Japanese publication The Nikkei states that Apple, not Nintendo, Sony, or even Microsoft, is officially the top consumer brand in all of Japan. This is the first time that Apple has claimed the top spot in the Land of the Rising Sun with a a score of 90.5 (out of 100) in terms of total brand power. Car manufacture Toyota came in second in a separate survey, yet neither ...

How does Wii U compare to the rumored Xbox?

While not exactly Nintendo news, IGN today has revealed that the next Xbox (how bout we DON’T call it the 720, shall we?) will be based on the AMD 6000 series of GPU architecture which was introduced last year. While we don’t know exactly what will ship inside the next Xbox, IGN cites that the GPU will be similar to the Radeon HD 6670, which sports DirectX 11, 3D, 1080p output, and mul...

Nintentunes: The anti-Nintendo edition

Video game music has come a long way from the bleeps and bloops that populated most game at the inception of the medium, and seems only right to take a look back at not only game that have appeared on Nintendo consoles, but ones that have appeared on consoles that do things that Ninten-don’t (see what I did there?). With that said, I hope you enjoy this weeks walk down memory lane in this ed...

Microsoft at e3, how did they fare?

The Microsoft conference has come and gone and you know what? Their presser seemed very….Nintendo. The majority of titles at the Microsoft presser seemed to be geared toward the market Nintendo has worked so hard to capture the last couple of years. Also, there seemed to be a lack of any new IPs from Microsoft aside from some Kinect stuff. ?If I was a kid, a lot of the Kinect titles would be...

With motion now standard and when equally priced, Xbox 360 more popular than Wii

The Wii has seen quite the drop in demand recently. After dominating the competition for the first four years of its life, the game-changing console has been relegated to second place in America for the last 12 months (give or take a month or two) behind Xbox 360. In other words, when equally priced at $199, Americans slightly favor Xbox 360, at least at this point in the Wii’s lifecycle. On...

Yeah, that controls real well, buddy

Still pretty cool, though. (Thanks, Josh)

At $400, this is a motion gaming console priced to move!

UPDATE: As electricfuture pointed out, the pictured bundle is the $300 version. More palatable for the consumer, yes, but still suspect. Coming Nov. 4, here is Microsoft’s $400 version of Wii. Suffice it to say, a $400 console this late in the game is pretty laughable’with or without motion. But who am I to judge? Maybe it will sell like hot cakes. (Wink, wink.) That said, I’m glad bot...

Natal renamed “Kinect,” to launch with “Kinect Sports”

Various sources from around the internet are reporting that Xbox’s much hyped project Natal has been officially renamed to Xbox Kinect.  Although this in itself is not specifically Nintendo news, it’s worth mentioning that Microsoft’s controller free revolution will be launching with a game currently known only as “Kinect Sports.” Classy Microsoft. More on Xbox Kinec...

Halo-maker signs deal with Activision, could bring games to Wii

Once a wholly owned subsidiary of Microsoft, the now independent Bungie Studios announced a 10 year publishing deal with Activision today. As you’ll remember, Activision releases games on all consoles, including the top-selling Wii, so it’s likely we’ll see a Bungie game on Nintendo hardware at some point in the future. It won’t be Halo, a game Microsoft retained. But it wi...

Apple, Steve Jobs gunning for Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft with iPhone 4.0 update

Nintendo may not (publicly) care much about people playing games on Apple products, but don’t tell that to Apple. At their iPhone OS 4.0 preview event today the company came out gunning for Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft. Shot one was a social networking platform called Game Center that’s built into the phone’s OS. Basically, people in gaming will call this feature Xbox Live Lite, ...