The coolest thing you will see this evening

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBb9wFP7uZM&feature=player_embedded#at=38[/youtube] Someone needs to make something like this happen! Even if just a crazy PC mod, I would love to play something like this! via [GoNintendo]

Conduit 2 announced for Wii, to be published by Sega

Second time’s the charm? Kind of baffling, really, but maybe they’ll have the same kind of sequel semi-success that Ubisoft had with Red Steel 2. [Image, source both 1up.com]

Retro Studios talks Metroid Prime developement

A cool little documentary from the Nintendo channel on the Metroid Prime series. Anyone else pumped for the upcoming release of the Metroid Prime Trilogy?

Youtube Tuesday: TF2 meets Donkey Kong

I’m a huge fan of Team Fortress 2, a FPS shooter published by Valve. One of the reasons I love the game so much is that you can come across so many custom made stages that are fun and refreshing. Here is a custom stage that is almost a replica of the first stage of the Donkey Kong arcade game. Have any suggestions or videos for YouTube Tuesday? Send them in at tips@infendo.com

Poll – Shooter shoot out

There are a decent variety of shooters, but I distilled them down to four essential types.  First-person shooters (FPS) like Sega’s upcoming The Conduit, on-rails shooters like House Of The Dead Overkill, Shoot ’em ups (SHMUPS) like Gradius ReBirth, or scrollers like Metal Slug 7. {democracy:79} Vote and then tell us which game is your favorite shooter in comments!

Sega announces it will publish The Conduit

PRESS RELEASE — SEGA of America, Inc. today announced a worldwide partnership with High Voltage Software to publish and distribute the Wii home video game system-exclusive title, The Conduit. The first-person shooter garnered multiple awards at E3 2008, including Best Wii Game by GameTrailers and three awards from IGN: Best Shooting Game (Wii), Best Graphics Technology (Wii) and Best Overall...

Update: High Voltage wants you to map The Conduit controls

High Voltage continued its one-of-a-kind marketing blitz for The Conduit this evening with a new contest. It’s a pretty simple, pretty cool little contest that effectively gives you, the gamer, a chance to map the game’s controls. Update: High Voltage’s Eric Nofsinger wrote us to clarify the prize: “The prize is getting your name in a videogame, e.g. the Jack Loftus control...

The Conduit looks sharp, plays however you want it to (needs publisher?)

Rawmeat Cowboy over at GoNintendo got his hands on the Conduit, the ambitious FPS for Wii from the dedicated guys at High Voltage, and he was, to put it succinctly, pretty impressed with what he saw. To quote a hardcore gamer, “how were the graphics?” Not bad, he said, noting all the little attentions to detail the High Voltage team had put into the Conduit. You want real-time cloud mo...

Call of Duty: World at War made official for Wii

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eO0hjFqxc90[/youtube] Santa Monica, CA ”“ June 23, 2008 ”“ Leave your packs and bring extra ammo, Activision, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI) and Treyarch, announced today that they will be taking Call of Duty players deep into the South Pacific and European theaters this fall for Call of Duty: World at Warâ„¢, a gritty fight that will pit players against enemies that k...