
Mario/Sonic demo does its job: I want the full game

Hooray for demos! Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games (This is possibly my least favorite game title of all time) has just landed on eShop in demo format. It’s spectacular and a lot of fun to play through, running you through a medley competition involving target shooting, goal kicking, trampoline, swimming and BMX racing. It’s worth mentioning again: this game is spectacu...

Zen Pinball Review: 3D brings new life to an old genre

The eShop’s climb to excellence continues; Zen Pinball is amazingly good, combining great gameplay with a lifelike presentation only 3DS can deliver. Many of today’s gamers have never played a real, hand-built pinball machine, but I grew up near a terrific pinball arcade where gaming nights involved staring down through glass cabinet tops (marred by old cigarette ashes and drinking gla...

eShop delivers pre-holiday cheer

Three great additions to the 3DS eShop appeared yesterday…and one’s a terrific freebie! Swapnote, at the wonderful price of zero, finally arrived to give 3DS users a simple, fun way to send sketches, notes and photos to friends or streetpass strangers. The experience of adding 3D touches to a sketch makes this worth the download, and there’s an option to choose animated stationer...

Review: Don’t pass up Pushmo!

Nintendo’s software winning streak continues with Pushmo, another brilliant eShop title. In this odd, ingenious puzzle/platformer, you play a roly-poly little guy named Mallo on a mission to save children who’ve gotten trapped on Pushmo climbing walls, created by a loveable old carpenter who’s made it his life’s mission to build incredibly dangerous playground equipment. Th...

Remixed Kirby looks sharp on eShop

Aren’t Nintendo holiday seasons great? The first-party fun kicked off last week with the amazing Freakyforms, continued through the masterpiece Super Mario 3D Land, added a 3D Kirby (well, 3D 2D) today, and continues steamrolling toward Skyward Sword this Sunday and Mariokart 7 in December! Not to mention that there should be some announcement very soon about those ten free GBA games for Amb...

Review: Freakyforms is joyous, crazy and addictive

Freakyforms is one of the most enjoyable games I’ve ever played. That recommendation comes with a warning, however, for my tastes often veer far from mainstream gaming. This is a plotless, easygoing game that’s all about creating and collecting. It’s got a relaxed, happy Animal Crossing vibe and your time with Freakyforms will be evenly split between the amazing creation tools an...

If you had 24 hours to call the shots at Nintendo, what would you do?

Imagine: suddenly you’re in charge at Nintendo. You’ve got just 24 hours to order any course of action, and the deal is, once you’ve ordered it, the company will do its best to carry out your wishes for the next year, no matter the cost or consequences. Here’s what I’d do, right now:

Dreamworks, Previews and a Pokedex upgrade highlight this week’s downloads

No huge downloadable games this week, unless you’re a big fan of Minesweeper, Side Pocket, or House. For non-game applications and 3D videos, however, there are three noteworthy new arrivals: Dreamworks Animation recently signed a deal with Nintendo to bring 3D short films to 3DS, and this week kicks things off with The Pig Who Cried Werewolf, based on characters from the Shrek franchise. It...

New 3D trailers highlight great things to come

Six new 3D trailers have been added to the eShop, giving an updated preview of Super Mario 3D Land, Mariokart 7, Luigi’s Mansion 2, Mario Tennis, Paper Mario and Animal Crossing. These titles are the reason I bought a 3DS, and they’re all looking fantastic. Luigi’s Mansion 2, in fact, looks like it may turn out to be the surprise super-charmer of the bunch.

Link just got some awesome eShop company

This is turning out to be a superb week for eShop as a second terrific game arrives–this time for the 3DS Virtual Console. You’ll have to pay for this one, but Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins is well worth its $3.99 price tag. Get ready for one of the better Game Boy adventures as Mario meets Wario in a title that improves on the first Mario Land game in just about every way imagina...

The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords now available for download on Nintendo DSi and Nintendo 3DS systems

Quick! Head over to the Nintendo eShop or DSiWare Shop to download The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition for free before it’s too late! Okay, so it won’t be too late until February 20th of next year. Still… I didn’t get to experience much of the original Four Swords, but, as I understand it, this version can be completed solo, while the original could not. It...

Your guide to 10 free NES game on your 3DS

In two short days on September 1, all you suckers lucky people who purchased a 3DS at the original price will be rewarded by Nintendo with free games. It turns out that it may be a little tricky finding out exactly how to get in on the free game goodness, but that’s why Infendo is here to guide you through the grueling path to free games.