Infendo at Nintendo’s E3 Presser

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu0m-kWD_H8[/youtube] Ever wondered what Nintendo’s press event looked like from row 3? Then check out the event from our perspective.  Will, myself, and a few friends from around the Internet check out the presser. See our predictions, reactions, and two of our company (including Will) being the first E3 attendees to get their hands on Zelda: Skyward...

Nintendo says there’s “no immediate need” to upgrade Wii. I’m not so sure.

The nine year old graphic technology of the Wii is finally showing its age. Despite this, Nintendo seems set on drinking console milk beyond its expiration date. “I do not think that there is an immediate need to replace the Wii console,” Nintendo president told Reuters this week. “But of course, at some point in the future, the need will arise.” If he’s talking about...

The 3DS is the PR lie that tells the truth

Major hardware innovations and revisions come and go, often with promises that they will “change everything,” and “forever alter the way we see gaming.”  The Nintendo 3DS delivers on these nonsense PR phrases in a very literal sense, delivering a 3D visual experience without the need for glasses – we are now looking at games in a new way, one that was not previously ...

Nintendo 3DS just keeps getting better and better

Our intrepid trio of Infendo editors will surely have video impressions of the 3DS up later, but for now I just had to do a quick post on some of the stuff I’ve read already. Tell me if this sounds as awesome to you as it did for me:

Images straight from Nintendo Press Conference

Our Infendo team is working to get more impressions from the show floor. Hit the jump for a few more images snapped at Nintendo’s press conference.

Nintendo’s subtle E3 2010 megaton

I’m biased, of course, but Nintendo just “won” E3 with a relatively simple, games-focused keynote and in the process severely gimped poor Sony, which has to follow that oozing-with-game announcements presentation in a few minutes. Hands-down. Seriously, look at every tab on this page. Then look at the 3DS launch lineup. Staggering stuff. Almost un-Nintendo, if we go by last year&...

3DS to Launch with Kid Icarus, Starfox 64 3D

As Infendo Staff waits for the main E3 showroom doors to open, take a quick look at this press release 3DS Software Lineup: Kid Icarus™: Uprising, the long-awaited franchise follow-up to the NES™ classic. Mario Kart™, which shows off the potential of driving and tossing bananas in 3D. nintendogs™ + cats, a new version of the best-selling nintendogs franchise that lets players interact eve...

This could be the 3DS, if it is…

Kotaku has created a picture of what could possible be the Nintendo DS through the means of magic and sorcery. What type of magic and sorcery this could be is unknown, but probably is of the darker arts and having to sacrifice ones first born to Reggie. In other news, the 3DS looks like it has support for a Wii Remote and a really wider screen… but what do you guys think?

Six things you didn’t know about 3DS

According to the fellow babies at 1up: “Nintendo 3DS” is not the system’s formal name. The 3DS will be backward-compatible with the DS and DSi , making it that much easier to upgrade and start anew. It will not require 3D glasses, leading to speculation that it will utilize the “parallax barrier” technique developed by Sharp. This involves using a secondary, overlappi...

EA boss on 3DS: “I’ve seen it, it’s cool”

Said EA president John Riccitiello in an interview with Industry Gamers: “You’ve got to be very careful here because Nintendo have a lot to say at E3, and I want to be careful to not accidentally transgress an NDA, but I will tell you, I’ve seen it; it’s cool.” Well alrighty then.

Nintendo launching blue DSi XL this July

Nintendo today announced that starting July 11, the DSi XL will be available in “midnight blue.” Like other overpriced XL models, the two-tone black and blue will retail for $190. Never mind the successor to the XL, the 3DS, is rumored to arrive this October.

Nintendo.com to stream E3 press conference

Are you excited to hear all the news from Nintendo’s E3 Presentation but can’t make it to Los Angeles? Nintendo.com has you covered. The website is setting up a special portal for fans around the world to watch full start-to-finish video coverage of the event. Nintendo’s E3 Presentation will begin at 9 a.m. Pacific on Tuesday, June 15. Just visit e3.nintendo.com to get a front-ro...