Six things you didn’t know about 3DS

According to the fellow babies at 1up:

  1. “Nintendo 3DS” is not the system’s formal name.
  2. The 3DS will be backward-compatible with the DS and DSi , making it that much easier to upgrade and start anew.
  3. It will not require 3D glasses, leading to speculation that it will utilize the “parallax barrier” technique developed by Sharp. This involves using a secondary, overlapping screen with a series of precise slits that show a different set of pixels to both the left and right eyes, creating the illusion of depth.
  4. It will be possible to turn off the 3D functionality.
  5. The 3DS is rumored to have a tilt sensor, build-in rumble functionality and an analog stick.
  6. It will definitely be out before March 2011, but some reports have suggested that it could launch as early as October. will unveil the 3DS next Tuesday, 9:30 am Pacific, during Nintendo’s E3 press conference in Los Angeles.