1068 search results for "infendo radio"

This is the story that put Infendo on the map

Here it is, in all its glory. The image was said to be a conceptual marketing ad sent to Infendo in June of 2005. Notice the accuracy of the Wii outline, including undertones of “thinking” i.e. playing outside the box. The backstory was featured on this week’s episode of Infendo Radio. Listen in, if you haven’t already. (Oh, and by map, I really mean niche game blog linked-...

Infendo needs your 1ups: Donate today!

Hey, everyone. Derek and I decided we should start a fund raiser, donation drive, and really big tip jar to help publicize and support Infendo/Radio. So if you like what we do as a site or podcast, please get clicky with the below link and donate what you can ($5, $10, $25, whatever). So you know, donations will be used to help cover web and podcast hosting, keep annoying adds off the podcast, sup...

Participate in Infendo Live, Win special Jirachi!

If you would like your chance at winning a Jirachi, one of the rare legendary Pokemon, be sure to listen and participate in the Live Podcast this Wednesday. We usually begin a show around 9pm or 10pm EST, and the selection will begin after the show is done recording. This is a legit Pokemon acquired from one of the giveaways held by Nintendo, and will be traded to the winner after the show. So be ...

Infendo further extends global presence, adds new writers

PRESS RELEASE ’ MUSHROOM KINGDOM’ Infendo, a fan site that features the web’s most intelligent discussion of all things Nintendo, has now expanded into another country and added two new writers.  “It’s really been my lifelong dream to have an in-road to the pulse of Canada’s gaming community,” exclaimed Infendo founder, Blake Snow.  Brushing the crumbs off his chin,...

Infendo now serving 13,000 RSS subscribers

Stat boy, here: I checked the number of Infendo RSS subscribers recently and was pleasently surprised to find 13,000 of you in there. We’re not the multimedia tycoon we soon plan to be (look out IGN), but dem’s some respectable numbers for a boutique outfit like Infendo. Thanks, everyone! And be sure subscribe to the site if you haven’t already, which can be done by the aformenti...

Rock Out With Infendo contest winner announced!

This was honestly one of the coolest bunches of entries we’ve ever had.  As each entry came in, Infendo HQ was buzzing with comments about “oh, this one is clearly the winner” and they just kept getting better. The votes are tallied, the judges were nearly split, but we have come to a consensus.  Congratulations to Justin with his video featuring a variety of bizarre rhythm ins...

Infendo Poll – Gender

On the upcoming Infendo Radio programme, we’ll be talking about female gamers, so this week we want to know: {democracy:59}

Bring ’em on; Infendo’s most anticipated Nintendo games for E3 2008

Dressed head-to-toe in glittering red, white and blue attire and rich with the overpowering scent of freedom and grilled hot dogs, July refuses to arrive quietly. Forget flipping the calendar page. July kicks down the door, blares Lynyrd Skynyrd records and sets off dangerous fireworks in crowded residential neighborhoods. July is so champ, even E3 wanted to be a part of it this year. The games in...

Infendo’s Top 10 Mario Games

[In honor of the Super Mario Marathon, we re-publish our Top 10 Mario Games list!] Now that we’ve had some time to digest his latest adventure, the Infendo offices have been buzzing with debate. It spilled over into last week’s edition of Infendo Radio and has since been the subject of countless e-mails from listeners, readers and tipsters all week long: Which Mario games stand the tes...

Infendo interviews Tommy Tallarico

At Infendo we try to bring you the most positive and informative news we possibly can. When my review of Video Games Live was being plagued by some imposters who were pretending to be Tommy Tallarico, I took the initiative to get in contact with him and try to find out what exactly was going on. When we finally started talking we managed to have nice conversation about Video Games live and gaming ...

Donate to Infendo.com

I have received a handful of reader emails since first starting Infendo in 2005 wanting to donate money to show their appreciation for what we do. Although Infendo runs for-profit advertising on the site to help stay alive, persons interested in sending contributions of any amount can do so by clicking the below “Donate” button (secured for privacy). Donations (processed by Griffio LLC...

Wii games lack co-op mode and that’s a shame, says Infendo reader

Infendo reader and Infendo Radio listener Phillip F. wants to know where the heck the 2-player co-op went off to. I, for one, am inclined to ask the same question, especially after some extended play time with Contra 4 this winter. what the hell happened to classic, simultaneous co-op adventure and platforming games? it’s not that i don’t have a problem with playing by myself, but it j...