Here it is, in all its glory.
The image was said to be a conceptual marketing ad sent to Infendo in June of 2005. Notice the accuracy of the Wii outline, including undertones of “thinking” i.e. playing outside the box.
The backstory was featured on this week’s episode of Infendo Radio. Listen in, if you haven’t already.
(Oh, and by map, I really mean niche game blog linked-to from bigger sites.)
As I said on the podcast, before this story, Infendo averaged a few hundred readers a day. After this story, traffic increased to 1,500 per day, according to internal metrics.
Since then, Infendo averages 2-3000 readers per day during the slower summer months, and 5-8000 readers during busy holiday months, depending on games, of course.
And for any wondering, our site traffic ebbs and flows with the popularity of Nintendo in general, including now. The more excited people our about Nintendo, the more traffic we enjoy, and vice versa. It’s been that way since the beginning.
That said, I’m curious: Do any current readers remember this when it was first posted? It would be fun to honor the most loyal Infendo reader of all time, maybe even with junk swag I have in my closet.