189 search results for "Nintendo Entertainment System"

Nintendo, the Wii, and the ‘golden age of development’

If you aren’t already a subscriber to GameIndustry.biz’s weekly editorial, I suggest you find out a way to get on that mailing list yesterday. Today’s was a look at Nintendo, and how they have officially become a company developers can no longer choose to ignore. Statements like that aren’t opinions anymore; or hyperbole; or fanboy wet dreams that can be easily dismissed wi...

The Nintendo family tree t-shirt

“Once upon a time, in a small Japanese village, the Nintendo Entertainment System was born. The rest, as they say, is history. Really, really fun history.”

A historical analysis of Nintendo

If you only read one business article on Nintendo this year, read this one. Author Geoff Gannon sets the record straight and has put together one of the best financial studies of Nintendo from an investor perspective that I’ve ever read, and it’s got sales numbers to boot. Interesting to note that while Nintendo’s hardware market share has been declining for more than a decade, g...

How Nintendo Revolution Works

Vlad at Joystiq has found a nice dig on How Nintendo Revolution Works over at the always useful How Stuff Works website. If you’re a little behind on Revolution news, this should bring you up to speed in a comprehensive way. The article compiles information from IGN and ARS Technica that touches on subjects like how the controller works, the expected graphical power, and a system comparison ...

A Trip Inside My Mind Part 1: Donkey Kong

For a while now I've contemplated writing an article about why certain game series have stuck with me over the years, and what they really mean to me. Then I got thinking about the list of games that are truly important that I would want to spotlight. There's a lot of games on that list. So many, in fact, I have decided to change the format of this article. If I was to write the article as it orig...

The Emulation Situation

I think it’s safe to assume that most gamers have dabbled in emulation at one point or another. It’s a quick and easy way to play rare, foreign, and classic games. It is also a handy way to keep all of those games together without taking up a lot of physical space. To its detractors, emulation is as bad as stealing. You’re playing a game you didn’t pay for on hardware the c...

Chance Time – Test Your NES Knowledge With Our Quiz

The Nintendo Entertainment System, or NES, was the one that started it all. How much do you know about this groundbreaking home console? Take our short quiz and find out! [quiz] [question]What year did the Famicom (The Japanese NES) release? [/question] [answer]1983 [/answer] [wrong]1985 [explanation]The NES first released in the USA in 1985[/explanation] [/wrong] [wrong]1986 [explanation]The NES ...

The Best Card Games Ever Released on the NES

The gaming industry has become incredibly huge today. However, back in the day, i.e. the time of Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), it held a special spot for us. After all, for the first time we had video games that were diverse, visually breathtaking (for the time), and pocket-friendly. When we talk about NES, then games like Super Mario Bros., Contra, Adventure Island, etc. come to mind. Howe...

Top Forgotten Casino & Card Video Games You Need to Try

The Nintendo Entertainment System, popularly known as NES, is easily one of the most popular video game consoles of all time. It was easy to afford and offered tons of compatible games for us to enjoy. Now, although the majority of NES games fell into the action, fighting, and shooting genres, there were many games that were based on casinos and card games. In fact, it’s possible you have played a...



Review: NES30 Pro and FC30 Pro Controllers by 8Bitdo

All-in-all, I am happy with my purchase. The controller works great on puzzle games, and I am confident that it will work well with NES Virtual Console games if they release on the Switch. It does not work for modern games as well, as they are designed around modern controllers. There are exceptions to this rule, of course. It is the perfect size to take on a trip, and even (some models) come with...

Review: NES30 Pro and FC30 Pro Controllers by 8Bitdo

Nintendo Switch Review By Steve Peacock Thinking back to when I preordered my Switch, I remember thinking how cool it was that the Switch was ready for two people to play right out of the box. We don’t generally have people over to play games with us, so I figured I would be okay with just the Joy-Con that come in the box. Boy, was I wrong. When Mario Kart 8 Deluxe came out, I began to look ...

Remembering the NES’s Forgotten RPGs

Unless they were cool enough for their local Dungeons & Dragons club, there’s a good chance that many gamers over thirty got their first taste of the role-playing genre on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), especially given that the platform had Ultima, Zelda, Dragon Quest, and Final Fantasy on the roster. With the NES back on the market, a whole new generation of gamers has the opportun...