320 search results for "history of nintendo"

Bleszinski’s bro: Oh noes! No more hardcore!

I spent a few minutes today trying to figure out what Tyler Bleszinski was trying to say in his guest column for Newsweek. Something about the Wii’s success killing hardcore gaming. Even now, I’m not so sure I know what the heck I just read. Hardcore gamers are led Zeppelin? The rest of us are the Bee Gee’s? First, it was that he was disgusted that grandmas were buying Wii games ...

Wii outsells the mighty PS2 for the same period

To steal a term coined by Kotaku, I put together the above charticle juxtaposing the first six month console sales of Wii, 360, PS3, PS2, Xbox, and GameCube. First, the Wii has sold better than the mighty PS2 after the first six months. Amazingly, both the PS3 and 360 sold worse than the GameCube for the same period (!). Cumulative first six month totals in units sold are as follows:

When will the video games industry fight back against Jack Thompson?

The worst school shooting in U.S. history happened yesterday on the campus of Virginia Tech. Thirty-two defenseless, innocent individuals lost their lives to someone we can only call a disturbed, selfish and thankfully deceased individual in Cho Seung-Hui. When I heard the account of one female student, I physically paused and felt ill. Of the 25 students in her German class, she and three others ...

Wii: Bringing gaming back to respectability, one game at a time

I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t mention that in addition to hundreds of Nintendo games, some of my fondest gaming memories are of other fare like Soul Caliber for Dreamcast, and Halo for Xbox (a fighter and a FPS, respectively). With that said, here’s a cool column clip that caught my eye in a Blake Snow-provided Infendo news tip today: As a gamer for 15 years, I’ve had my f...

Everybody Votes: "By this time next year, I will be…" with video game personalities

The voting channel is perhaps the least liked of all the current Wii Channel fare because, well, it’s kind of campy and doesn’t do much of anything. The current “question” up for vote at the Everybody Votes Channel is “By this time next year, I will be”¦” with “Better off” and “The same/worse off” as the choices. That said, I thought it’d be fun to go outside the channel̵...

How low tech won the console war (so far)

The Guardian today has a nice wrap up of the Wii’s success so far, with a few choice quotes that sum everything up quite well. “The past couple of months have seen a flood of adoring coverage. Breakfast TV presenters have thrown themselves into live Wii Sports sessions, while highbrow pundits on the Late Review shamefacedly admitted the genius of the machine. As a console manufacturer,...

Yamauchi suggested Wii to IGN in early 2004?

I realize Nintendo obviously has been planning Wii for a few years, but I always assumed Iwata to be the father of the console. A find on the GA Forums linking to an IGN article suggests that Yamauchi may have, in fact, conceived the less tech, focus on gameplay strategy. From the thread: “The former NCL president dismissed the quick arrival of a next-generation console. Nintendo has no plan...

Seattle Times profiles the Regginator

Just a snippet from the Seattle Times profile of Reggie Fils-Aime that was published over the weekend to try and get the Wii fever up and over the 108 degree mark today. Right now I’d say it’s hovering at a cool 100, and we need to start hallucinating already. As hard as Fils-Aime (pronounced Fees-uh-mey) has worked preparing North America for the Wii launch, his industry celebrity sti...

Last Zelda impression, I promise

I kid the Cass here on Infendo sometimes; about his crazy hair taking over his brain; about being corporate; about seizure-inducing flash-ads … but then he goes and says something like this about Twilight Princess, and I just melt. “There’s no way to know for sure how it’ll all turn out yet, as even with 10 hours under my belt I’ve only scratched the surface. However,...

So long, GameCube РN̩e Dolphin

Our attention was captured when Nintendo showed us how we would control games on their revolutionary new system. It was weird, it was white, and it was going to be fun. The system even had a cool name that most people liked. Just as everyone was getting comfortable with what the Revolution would entail, the name was changed to Wii. The Internet erupted in a flurry of polls, petitions, and lengthy ...

Reflections on next-gen: Remember the Game Gear

Lest anyone still be concerned about the Wii and its imminent epic struggle against the forces of Sony and Microsoft, remember the Game Gear and the fact that history — eventually — repeats itself in some form or another. The Game Gear was ahead of its time. It boasted (and boasted rather loudly thanks to an arrogant marketing scheme from parent Sega) a large color screen, more power a...

Matt Casamassina’s crazy hair has taken over his brain

When he’s not faking a defection to the IGN Xbox 360 site, IGN Wii editor-in-chief Matt Casamassina is busy making blog posts I consider worthy of Sony’s Press Relations page. People regularly defend this corporate blogger because “he really does love Nintendo,” but it’s all a wash when posts like his latest hit the Net. In a stunning display of unabashed back-patting and inane ...