Wii U

Nintendo Direct 2.13.14 shows off a slew of new game trailers

Today’s Nintendo Direct was rife with new trailers for already-announced games. Many of these trailers simply show off more gameplay footage, as opposed to containing any big news, so I’ve compiled them into this single post. Check them out below: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSxDAyit9ak[/youtube] Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is going to arrive for Wii U in about a w...

Nintendo Direct to broadcast tomorrow, February 13, at 2 PM PST

Nintendo has announced another Nintendo Direct broadcast for tomorrow at 2 PM PST. According to Nintendo of America’s official Twitter feed, the upcoming broadcast will focus on both Wii U and 3DS games that will be coming by the end of Spring. We can probably expect a lot of info and gameplay footage on Mario Kart 8, as the game is scheduled for a global release in May, but what are you exp...

SEGA unveils Sonic Boom for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS

SEGA is planning to unleash an ambitious new marketing campaign featuring none other than the blue blur himself, Sonic. Coming later this year, Sonic Boom will be released on the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, along with a CG animated series of the same name on Cartoon Network. Sonic and his friends will be sporting new character designs in the series, and all sorts of merchandise is going to accompany t...

Update – Mario Kart 8 release set for May

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has announced that Mario Kart 8 will release for the Wii U this May. The tentative release (originally scheduled for early Spring) for the eighth iteration of the Mario Kart franchise was mentioned by Iwata during Nintendo’s investors briefing, which is currently taking place as of the writing of this post. More as this story develops from the briefing. [Updat...

Should Nintendo create a hybrid console?

Given the Wii U is not doing so great and the 3DS is selling very well Nintendo could try a hybrid machine. This might not be such a bad idea, having a console you can place in a docking device at home which links into your T.V. and charges the unit. Then you could detach the console and take it with you on your travels. Sounds great, plus having a single platform means all of Nintendo’s pro...

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze given solid release date of Feb. 21

We’ve known for a while now that Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze would be coming sometime in February. Now the Wii U title has been confirmed on Nintendo’s official site for release on February 21st, in both North America and Europe. February is set to be an exciting month for North American fans: Bravely Default finally hits on the 7th, with Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy coming o...

Wii U Premium Pack hits Wii Launch price in the UK

Over here in the UK stores can set their own price for the Wii U and 3DS. Today both Argos and Amazon have set a new, super low price for the Wii U Premium Pack of just £179.99. This is the same price as the original Wii at launch. The deal covers just the original Wii U Premium pack, with the newer bundles such as the New Super Mario & Luigi bundle, Zelda Wind Waker and Lego City Undercover n...

Nintendo cuts Wii U, 3DS forecasts

Nintendo has announced some significant amendments to its worldwide sales forecasts for the fiscal year. Let’s start with the 3DS. Despite being the best selling gaming platform in America this year, it’s ambitions projection of 18 million has been chopped to 13.5 million. Next up the Wii U. Originally projected for 9 millions, this has now been slashed to just 2.8 million. The reason ...

Sakurai reveals King Dedede’s return for Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS

Another Super Smash Bros. Brawl veteran, King Dedede, will be returning to the Smash Bros. series for its Wii U and Nintendo 3DS outings. King Dedede is the main antagonist in the Kirby games. As a combatant in Super Smash Bros., he is known for his fairly sluggish movement, powerful moves, and ability to float like Kirby does. King Dedede’s confirmed return to Smash Bros. comes hot on the t...

Different trophies will grace Super Smash Bros. Wii U, 3DS

Remember how painstakingly difficult it was to collect every character or item trophy in Super Smash Bros. Melee? Of course you do, after the hours-upon-hours of unlocking them, that is. Well, the much-applauded trophy system in Super Smash Bros. will now be expanded with different types and models for the Wii U and 3DS versions respectively. Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai announced the new...

Tengami trailer showcases pop-up book gameplay

[youtube]http://youtu.be/NThIOPxtYbw[/youtube] The trailer above shows viewers how to play Tengami, a pop-up book game. Indie developer Nyamyam set the adventure game in Japan in the midst of “ancient dark fairy tales.” Players use touch controls to manipulate each stage to solve puzzles. Based on the trailer, Nyamyam animated Tengami well. It also appears to be a relaxing title, somet...

Happy New Year to Our Readers!

As the world rings in a new year, Nintendo fans can look forward to what 2014 brings while still enjoying the best of 2013 on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. I know that’s what I’m thinking about (among other things) during this festive time. How did you celebrate New Year’s, and what Wii U or 3DS game are looking forward to the most in 2014? If you’re like me, you celebrated with ...