
This Japanese Wii game boasts massive graphics

[youtube][/youtube]If the above gameplay video is any indication, Xenoblade looks even bigger than Monster Hunter Tri. Or Shadow of the Colossus for that matter. Not that American gamers will necessarily get to play it; Xenoblade is made by Monolith Soft, the same studio that developed the International-only Disaster Day of Crisis for Wii. (via GAF)

This looks pretty freakin’ fun, oooooooh!

[youtube][/youtube] It’s like Just Dance with better dancing, music, and cooler graphics. Disclosure: I think MJ is a top 5 musician all time, right up there with Mozart, The Beatles, and Gwar. Okay, maybe not Gwar, but you get the idea.

In case you missed it: Batman on Wii is good

“A classic 2D brawler that’s easy to pick up and enjoy, and it doesn’t take itself seriously, with plenty of self-parody to go around. The adventure is over too soon, but don’t let that stop you from suiting up.”

Wii anniversaries, continued

To further celebrate the Wiimote’s 5-year anniversary (thanks, Blake!) I thought I’d dig up some old Nintendo YouTube commercials depicting all the fun launch games that came out for the Wii back in 2006 and play them here on Infendo. Enjoy! UPDATED:

Remember these? The best catch-phrases in video game history

How many of these classics and clunkers are you familiar with? It’s So Reeeeeeal! Thank you, Sammy Sosa, for one of the best lines ever: [youtube][/youtube] At the launch of N64, Nintendo dared us to “Change the System!” and abandon the load-time heavy Playstation. This came after a campaign urging players to stick with SNES because, R...

This Kirby Epic Yarn trailer looks straight-up awesome, even if it sounds Japanese

[youtube][/youtube] Good, golly. Do want. Coming Oct. 17.

Are you even remotely interested in Wii Party?

[youtube][/youtube] Sorta feels like Wii Play with a $50 price tag. Am I wrong?

Remember how hard F-Zero GX was?

[youtube][/youtube] Anyone complaining about the lack of difficult games recently obviously missed this discouraging hard GameCube game. After 15 attempts, I don’t think I ever made it past the second track. I haven’t picked it up since.

Paper-mâché plus platforming: And Yet it Moves now on WiiWare

[youtube][/youtube] David is reviewing the game as we speak and will publish his thoughts later this week. That rhymed. I’m awesome.

Oh, my! NES, Genesis, SNES together

[youtube][/youtube] Here’s an inside look at the Retron 3. Enjoy.

What made GoldenEye 007 so good?

[youtube][/youtube] Was it the controls? The first of its kind on consoles? Something else? Whatever it was, I’m not so sure developer Eurocom will be able to revive the series on Wii, especially after reviewing their unimpressive portfolio.

Video: The history of the Game Boy

[youtube][/youtube] Although the Game Boy is no longer Nintendo’s best-selling system (that would be DS now), this dated video does a good job highlighting the awesomeness of the Game Boy.