[Update] – Nintendo Everything is reporting that Nintendo will now ALLOW for Super Smash Bros. Melee to be live-streamed for the EVO fighting game tournament. [Original Story] Nintendo of America has brought down the ban hammer on their Gamecube million-seller, Super Smash Bros. Melee, being able to be streamed live at this weekend’s EVO fighting game tournament. Organizers for the eve...
Masahiro Sakurai, designer of Kirby and Smash Bros., released a revealing tweet today in regards to a Smash Bros. appearance during the June 11th Nintendo Direct. The tweet is pictured above. Since I, and I am sure some of you, cannot read Japanese, my friend Google Translate helped me out: “Should note. In Nintendo Direct delivery of 23:00, June 11, New video of “Smash Bros.” ...
Hello. We already announced we will have another #NintendoDirectNA at E3, but now we can share the date/time: 6/11 at 7 am PT. #IwataSays — Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) May 23, 2013 Nintendo of America has announced via their Twitter account that they will be hosting a new E3-centric Nintendo Direct on June 11th. The presentation will commence at 10 AM Eastern and will be available for s...
Sony and Microsoft both have next gen consoles on the way. Soon. This much we know for sure. As for whether or not they will be show stoppers and garner enough support to take whatever momentum the Wii U has gained in the last few months remains to be seen. Nintendo can control their own destiny with a good showing at E3 and beyond. What should Nintendo bring to the table? Read on to hear my thoug...
Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai has decided to tease Smash Bros. fans with some whiteboard art that’s sure to be dissected meticulously. Sakurai-san Tweeted the above photo (which, surprisingly, has Kirby taking up 1/4 of the scene) with the following words, “This is what our staff drew on the white board. It’s good!” As mentioned, the whiteboard drawing is bound to be stud...
Last year at E3 2011, Nintendo announced that a new Super Smash Bros. title would be coming to not only the Wii U, but the 3DS as well. We all know that series designer Masahiro Sakurai has been pivotal to the success of the franchise, he has after all been with the game since day one on the Nintendo 64. It was thought that his studio, Project Sora, would be the studio to helm the project now that...
Masahiro Sakurai, creator of Smash Bros., Kirby, and Kid Icarus: Uprising, was caught sneaking into Platinum Games, developer of Bayonetta, MadWorld, and the upcoming Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Although, “caught” might be the wrong word to use in this case, considering that Sakurai shared a photo of his location (seen above) via his Twitter account. Nothing else was revealed about...
An unverified photo surfaced on the Internet this week, suggesting that the previously announced and upcoming Super Smash Bros. Wii U game will be called Super Smash Bros. Universe and contain non-Nintendo characters. As you can see, the photographed document conforms to Nintendo’s usual fact sheets. As you can also see, it’s in Japanese. Chance the photo is legitimate? Given the circ...
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=351CO5_8fbM&feature=player_embedded[/youtube] Super Smash Bros. is one or Nintendo’s most beloved franchises and when a new title is on the horizon, fans are always clamoring for more info. Well what if I told you that the newest entry is here and you can have it for free? Super Smash Land is de-make fan project of the popular franchise by  artist...
Even though Satoru Iwata only mentioned Smash Bros. in passing during his E3 keynote, naturally the news of two Smash Bros. titles coming to Wii U and 3DS was the biggest news to come out from Nintendo this year. Before we get too excited, I have some bad news. As it turns out, development has yet to begin for either game. Don’t sell your copy of Brawl just yet.
You do not talk about Smash Club. Also, Link totally looks like an old man in this picture. Ew.
I heard about this code a long time ago, but as a skeptic gamer who has been burned by many a supposed secret… [Pokemon Truck next to S.S. Anne] I denounced it as false. It’s surprising that this could actually work. Have you ever played as Master Hand? Also, how many of you are going to try this as soon as possible?