Masahiro Sakurai, creator of Smash Bros., Kirby, and Kid Icarus: Uprising, was caught sneaking into Platinum Games, developer of Bayonetta, MadWorld, and the upcoming Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Although, “caught” might be the wrong word to use in this case, considering that Sakurai shared a photo of his location (seen above) via his Twitter account. Nothing else was revealed about his visit, but Platinum Games producer Atsuhi Inaba tweeted the following seconds after Sakurai left the studio: “@Sora_Sakurai: spotted!”
Sakurai claims that his visit was purely just to see a few of the studio’s games before E3. Still, this news begs the question: Despite his claims, is he lending a hand in a new title for Platinum Games? If so, what could it be, and what console/handheld will it be available for? The possibilities surely make the weeks leading up to E3 all the more exciting.