Heading to PAX Prime? Then you’ll be among the first to play games like Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, and many more. I went to PAX East this spring and really enjoyed getting a chance to play the 3DS before it was on sale. In fact, that play time confirmed my purchase and got me to buy one for my wife, too. So is anyone heading to PAX Prime this year? Check out the list of titles past t...
I attended the Penny Arcade Expo at the Convention Center in Seattle for the second year in a row, booth babin’ it up for Fugazo, a Seattle area developer promoting their new WiiWare title, Frobot. So I had to spend most of the two days that I attended firmly tethered to the booth and shooting manic smiles at wandering attendees, but in the spare time that I did have, I made a beeline for Ni...
Their booth number is 352, and according to the info I just received, they will be bringing a bunch of games. That includes a brand new WiiWare title called Fluidity. Fluidity combines an amazing physics engine that realistically models flowing water with innovative puzzle game play. Using the three forms of water ”“ liquid, ice and cloud ”“ players will solve challenging puzzles across multiple c...
While touring the PAX East exhibition floor, we had the pleasure of seeing two amazing games destined for much success: Limbo and Puzzle Quest 2. David labeled PQ2 a must buy that’s all but pre-ordered for his DS Lite, while I couldn’t stop gushing over Limbo, a simple black and white Xbox Live Arcade 2D platformer that deals in nothing but light, shadow and a pair of beady white eyes ...
If you’re in town tonight before PAX East kicks off, you should stop by and meet up with some folks from Infendo! We’re going to be at McGreevy’s, across the street [map] from the Hynes Convention Center, at 7PM on Thursday, 3/25. Just stop in at McGreevy’s and look for a table with Yoshi on it! The hula-girl will not be making an appearance, sorry. This is only for peo...
We’ll have details about the pre-PAX meetup later today! For now, I can confirm that we’re going somewhere that you’ll need to be over 21 and it will be very close to the Hynes Convention Center. I also recommend that you follow us on Twitter for updates.
I know a few of you have mentioned that you’ll be in Boston for Penny Arcade’s PAX East, but is anyone interested in meeting up? I’m thinking about putting together a pre-PAX get-together on Thursday the 25th. Anyone in town early?
Let it be known that Infendo will be representin’ at PAX East from March 26th to 28th in Boston. It’s only two months away! Any of our readers planning to attend this year?
Nintendo will be a PAX this weekend, so if you’re going to be there check out these brand new games that have been out for a while:
Mario has stomped through galaxies and soared above the clouds to rescue Princess Peach no less than three dozen times over the last 20 years. But has he ever stopped to consider if the dumb broad is worth the trouble? This year, the annual Penny Arcade Expo hosted a panel of women from all over the gaming industry for a discussion of women’s issues in gaming, including gender roles in video...
Infendo was lucky enough this morning to hear from a reader who attended PAX last weekend, and his on-the-scene reporting is pretty timely, given the gaming landscape today. “El Hajjish” attended the “Is Casual Gaming Killing Core Gaming?” panel, which featured Start Trek actor and uber geek Wil Wheaton, no less. If anyone can guess how the panel progressed before you read ...
Tycho & Gabe from Penny Arcade told Joystiq that they’re bringing PAX to Boston in 2010. David, Jack, and other Infendo staff members just collectively fainted. [pic from Joystiq cuz it’s just so good]