
Infendo Radio Episode 331: Halloween 2014

Welcome to our special Halloween episode of Infendo Radio! In this episode, Colin Crompton, Justin Riley, and myself discuss the recent Super Smash Bros. for Wii U “50-Fact Extravaganza” stream and our Halloween recommendations (Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, and more). Let us know if you play any of our Halloween picks and ...

Happy Halloween!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVDXmqI-oYY[/youtube]

Jimmy Kimmel is perhaps the best late night talk show host on the planet

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY69iHYXgX0&hd=1[/youtube] …not only does he absolutely love video games, his whole cast dressed as video game characters on the Halloween episode of his show. Who doesn’t love a talk show host that dresses as Donkey Kong, honestly?! Does anybody else watch Jimmy Kimmel Live? Does anybody else have a feeling that Reggie will show up on the ...

Nintendo Pharmacist the coolest guy you’ll ever buy overpriced meds from

Infendo reader, good sport, and rad pharmacist Blake Shoemaker emails: My pharmacy (in a Publix grocery store) had a fun Halloween celebration that called for the departments to decorate their sections for kids to visit, play games, and trick or treat. I thought what better theme for young and old alike than an old school Mario level? I even dressed up to play the part! Thanks, Blake. “Pipe ...

Nintendo Halloween costume ideas, anyone?

I might be late to the party, but tonight I stumbled across the most impressive fan-made cosplay of Samus’s Varia Suit I’ve ever seen, and with Halloween right around the corner, figured it would be fun to share. Nintendo costumes are now a dime a dozen, but it’s rare to find true quality in the sea of cheap knock-offs. This impressive homage to our favorite bounty hunter took si...

Pokemon Episode 23, The Haunter episode


Oh no! It’s Haunter!! He’s taken over infendo!

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CONTEST! Halloween Scavenger Hunt!

The lovely people over at D3 has sent us a delicious basket of Gaming goodness to give away to one lucky reader. D3 is the publisher of such great games as OneChanbara, 30 Great games, Puzzle Quest, A majority of the Naruto games and many more! So if you’d like to win Six, I say six titles, three for the Wii and Three for the DS hit the jump to find out the rules!

Halloween Approaches!

Halloween is only a week away, people! Here at Infendo, we want to see the best dang Halloween costumes around. Send your pics to [email protected] and we’ll display the best! NOTE: That is me as Mario, and I love that costume so much I have used it as often as possible since.

Happy Halloween, Infendo!

What are you doing today/tonight? The wife and I are taking the two little ones trick-or-treating at Novell and Omniture, who both put on big parties, and then later we’ll hit up some houses for more candy. What are you doing?