The lovely people over at D3 has sent us a delicious basket of Gaming goodness to give away to one lucky reader. D3 is the publisher of such great games as OneChanbara, 30 Great games, Puzzle Quest, A majority of the Naruto games and many more! So if you’d like to win Six, I say six titles, three for the Wii and Three for the DS hit the jump to find out the rules!
The games we are giving away are as follows:
Ben 10 Alien Force – Vilgax Attacks – Wii and DS
Astro Boy The Video Game – Wii and DS
The Secret Saturdays Beast of the 5th sun – Wii and DS
One lucky reader will walk away with all of them!
So here are the details!!! This is a raffle!
In order to win this gaming goodness you are going to need to do some scavenger hunting around your town or the store. You need to take a picture of 5 different candies (Snickers, Candy Corn, Licorice (Twizzler), Tootsie Roll, and a kit-kat) have them all in the same picture with a sign that says That will get you one entry into the raffle, you can get two raffle entries if you are holding them in a gaming costume or have a gaming themed pumpkin (Drawn or Cut) in the picture.
Send your entries into [email protected] with the subject line Halloween Contest and above all have fun.