If you listen to Infendo Radio, you may know that I’m quite keen on Club Nintendo, a rewards program for fans who register their games and systems and take surveys to earn coins that can be redeemed for downloadable games and physical goodies. Today the service saw the addition of new Nintendo 3DS game card cases for 400 coins per “set.” A set includes a card case in the shape an...
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMhFA5izRgQ[/youtube] Animators Anthony Veloso and Quentin Dron have created a clever video that highlights the history of Nintendo’s home consoles and handhelds. Not be confused with Brawl in the Family’s History of Nintendo tribute, the video starts off with the company’s popular Game & Watch handhelds from the early 1980s and ends wi...
Sounds like a lot of you have been very enthusiastic about the 3DS, but we’re curious … {democracy:140}
– The Wii Netflix instant streaming disc’s functionality is being given a traditional burial and will be shot into the sun on February 16th. If you’re still using the disc instead of the downloadable Netflix channel, you might want to use this time to free up some space and pay your last respects to your dearly departed physical media. ( GoNintendo ) – Wired ran an interest...
Be still my nostalgic heart, for there’s Game & Watch games coming to DSiWare in the wonderful Land of the Rising sun. Sure, it’s Japan only, for now, but if clap really hard, and dust off all of our Mario’s Cement Factory games in unison, perhaps Nintendo will notice and throw a few our way? Maybe. For now, revel in the list of genuinely old school Nintendo games: