Be still my nostalgic heart, for there’s Game & Watch games coming to DSiWare in the wonderful Land of the Rising sun. Sure, it’s Japan only, for now, but if clap really hard, and dust off all of our Mario’s Cement Factory games in unison, perhaps Nintendo will notice and throw a few our way?
Maybe. For now, revel in the list of genuinely old school Nintendo games:
On July 15th, Japan gets four games from the very first Game & Watch series, Silver (1980):
Chef (Wide Screen, July 29th)
Donkey Kong Jr. (New Wide Screen, August)
Helmet (Gold, July 29th)
Manhole (Gold, August)
Mario’s Cement Factory (New Wide Screen, August)
These games are each priced at 200 Wii Points. All the more reason I’ll probably be moving to Japan. Eventually.