
Nintendo laughs at Sony price drop

Ok, so there was no laughing. From Nintendo anyway. I, on the other hand, had a guffaw or ten. Two hundred and forty days into the life of your console, and you’re cutting prices? Sigh. And I was having such fun battling the PS3 as a rabid Nintendo fanman (I am no boy). Nintendo’s George Harrison takes Sony out to the woodshed and beats the snot out of it with his trusty solid silver c...

Nintendo still topping US hardware sales (May)

NPD just announced US hardware numbers for the month of May. They are as follows: DS – 423,000 units Wii – 338,000 units PSP – 221,000 units PS2 – 188,000 units 360 – 155,000 units PS3 – 82,000 units GBA – 81,000 units GCN – 10,000 DS sales solid and steady, Wii down slightly (though still selling a grundle), and the PSP benefited nicely from its rec...

Nintend-owned: Wii to outsell PS3 4:1 in May

There’s owning the competition, and then there’s owning the competition. And then there’s whatever the heck Nintendo is doing right now. Therefore, the competition — such as it is at the moment — has officially been Nintend-owned in May.

Wii is fine despite hardcore cabin fever

The gaming industry is having a difficult time comprehending Nintendo’s recent success. Many gamers who have since moved on exclusively to more “mature” Xbox and PlayStation offerings even suggest that the “Wii bubble will burst any day.” That is people will grow tired of Wii’s novelty and inferior graphics in the long-run despite the similar and ongoing success...

Nintendo buys Japan

Ok, so that headline is a tad misleading. I’ll come out and say that right away. But you have to forgive me for the slight deception, because Nintendo is selling more than 100,000 DS units per week and the Wii is now the prime minister. Ok, it’s not, but wouldn’t that be just the cutest little thing ever? On a more serious and sane note, the Wii did sell 69,748 units, bringing th...

Bleszinski’s bro: Oh noes! No more hardcore!

I spent a few minutes today trying to figure out what Tyler Bleszinski was trying to say in his guest column for Newsweek. Something about the Wii’s success killing hardcore gaming. Even now, I’m not so sure I know what the heck I just read. Hardcore gamers are led Zeppelin? The rest of us are the Bee Gee’s? First, it was that he was disgusted that grandmas were buying Wii games ...

Nintendo checkmate? Not yet, but closing in…

Once upon a time, either here on Infendo or in the clandestine back channels of the Infendo staff offices (read: gmail), I predicted that in 2007, we would see one of the major print magazines like BusinessWeek or Wired run a cover story about the resurgence of Nintendo. It came a bit earlier than even my fanboyish self could have predicted. Fortune has a huge article on Nintendo up right now, and...

Madden 08 on Wii loves online features

Game Wad is reporting that the following features will be included in Madden 08 for Wii when it’s released on August 14: Real-time ESPN ticker updates Online tournaments Worldwide quickplay multiplayer matches Promised roster updates not just for the 2008 season, but 2009 as well Mini-game party mode, with 22 mini-games Miis are used in minigames To echo the sentiments of Eddie Inzauto, R...

Old-gen consoles easily outselling next-gen

Due to my love for oversimplified graphs, I give to you old-gen hardware sales compared to next-gen hardware sales in delicious pie graph form. Nintendo should be sending me checks for all this market research I’m doing in support of their strategy. Data was taken from the NPD, North America’s hardware bean counter. Definitions are as follows: Old-gen category includes all reported sys...

Wii outsells the mighty PS2 for the same period

To steal a term coined by Kotaku, I put together the above charticle juxtaposing the first six month console sales of Wii, 360, PS3, PS2, Xbox, and GameCube. First, the Wii has sold better than the mighty PS2 after the first six months. Amazingly, both the PS3 and 360 sold worse than the GameCube for the same period (!). Cumulative first six month totals in units sold are as follows:

Nintendo dominates US game sales… again

The DS and Wii outsold the competition in that order yet again for the month of April; the DS selling a whopping 417K units with the Wii selling 360K units. GBA even managed to outsell the PS3 by 4,000 units at 84k. From a competitve console standpoint, the 360 sold an unimpressive 176K units considering the seven year old PS2 outsold it yet again. Oh, and Nintendo games made up the top four selli...

The myth of the hardcore gamer

Ok, OK. There are certainly hardcore gamers out there, but there’s a point to made in here somewhere. The point is that for Nintendo, the phrase “hardcore gamer” is about as relevant to their bottom line as tube socks. Microsoft themed tube socks. It’s irrelevant to Nintendo because I seriously doubt Reggie or Miyamoto or Iwata sit around big stuffy conference rooms sweatin...