Month: October 2006

Last chance! Infendo Contest – F-Zero GX

Contest ends tonight!This latest Infendo Contest is sending you to Mute City with F-Zero GX for the GameCube! Just sign up for the Infendo Newsletter for your chance to win. All subscribers (new and old) will be entered into a drawing to be held on Tuesday, October 24th. The deadline is 11:59PM on Monday, October 23rd.

I redo IDG’s "next-gen" console predictions

A better, more accurate representation of a new chart just out from market resarch firm IDG, methinks. MS Paint FTW. “Actual” graph here.

Mom swats child with Wiimote. Or, Toys R Us pre-orders!

Either this kid’s been bad enough that his mother grabbed whatever was closest to whip him in a fit of gamer-induced rage, or Toys R Us is going to be offering pre-orders on the Wii this October 29. Since I doubt Toys R Us is in the business of planting video game violence of the literal kind in the pages of their Big Toy Book, I’m going to bet that the pre-order blitz is not yet over....

Video: Legend of Zeld retrospect (part 2)

myFlash = new FlashObject(‘’, ‘swffile’, 400, 341, 8); myFlash.altTxt = ”; myFlash.addVariable(‘mid’, 14269); myFlash.write(); Examines A Link to the Past and Link’s awakening. Part one here.

Twilight Princess guide spotted in the Internet wild

The Nintendo Online Store is featuring a deal today that will get you 12 free issues of Nintendo Power if you purchase the player’s guide for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Wait what?! A player’s guide? I’ve never been one to do the whole player’s guide route, but still, there’s some interesting hints below (Poe’s Soul back again?). “The Zelda: Tw...

Game Boy Advance around the world

Via Flickr, some little fellow attempts to visit as many world-famous locations as possible with his Game Boy Advance in hand. But what could he be playing? [Thanks, David]

Wii pumps iron with Men’s Health

Good morning Sunday Infendo readers. Today, we see yet another example that the Wii has infiltrated a non-traditional avenue: Men’s Health Magazine. In the monthly “Ask the Girl Next Door” section with Nicole Beland, a reader asks the buxom beauty, “How can I get my girlfriend into playing video games?” Says Nicole: “Calling her over to watch you pistol whip a h...

Nintendo inhales IGN’s Top 100 Games Of All Time List

IGN just released an updated list of the Top 100 Games Of All Time. This is a reader’s list, meaning it was created by your average game-o-holic and not a bunch of stuffy writers or editors. Reading through the list, I was amazed at the amount of Nintendo games versus titles for other consoles or PC. One could argue that Nintendo has been in the business longer than most of the other compani...

Infendo Radio #31 is a show to remember (sorta)

Infendo Radio #31 has the skills to pay the bills. Listen in as we discuss the potential effect of Wii on your gaming habit, two hot titles, Wii kiosks, and listener calls. Enjoy the show! Radio Feed iTunes Feed MP3

Hot Zelda watch despite being plastic

Infendo reader David writes: “I was in seattle the past two weeks and picked up this original legend of zelda game watch made by Nintendo in 1989 (thats what it says on the back). Plus its white which will make me look so rad as I play my DS Lite with it on.” [Thanks, David]

Sony Logic strikes again: No low too low for Sony

Who would have thunk it. Defending the Xbox 360 (and to a lesser extent the Wii) is what finally broke the camel’s back for me and my hate-hate relationship with Sony and led to this post. Joystiq today has dissected the latest Sony BS to hit the Intertubes, and I can only imagine the hour long shower their blogger must have had to take to wash off the smell of deceit, betrayal and utterly a...

Wii: Capturing a Market up for Grabs

The Playstation 2 launched a year before the competition and dominated sales charts with great games and DVD playback. The Xbox 360 has launched a year before the competition, but has failed to generate the same buzz from the majority of video gamers. Sony enters this generation as the two-time reigning champion, but a high cost, amongst other problems, is causing gamers to look elsewhere. This al...