Nintendo inhales IGN’s Top 100 Games Of All Time List

IGN just released an updated list of the Top 100 Games Of All Time. This is a reader’s list, meaning it was created by your average game-o-holic and not a bunch of stuffy writers or editors. Reading through the list, I was amazed at the amount of Nintendo games versus titles for other consoles or PC. One could argue that Nintendo has been in the business longer than most of the other companies, but the list is about favorite games of all time. It proved to me that people care more about the enjoyment a game brought to them than the quality of its graphics.

Also of note, seven of the top ten games are for Nintendo systems.

My main criticism of this list is the lack of certain systems (Atari 2600? Genesis?) and the focus it seems to have on recent history (the last 10 years).

Did your favorite game of all time make the list?