Month: October 2006

Nibris designer talks story modes in ’shooter’ genre

Cubed has a an interview up today with Marek Okon, the game designer/art director for Eastern European game developer Nibris. Nibris, to date, has a lot of great artwork and screenshots on their web site, but very little in the way of gameplay. That said, there’s promise here, as they are busy developing several innovative looking titles for both the DS and the Wii; including Raid of the Riv...

Dual stylus Trauma Center

[youtube=] Trauma Center is a great game that I picked up on its second production run over the summer. I thought I was pretty decent, then this video crushed my little ego and then crushed it again. [Via 4cr]

The Color of the "new generation"

Aeropause recently did a “color of next gen” comparison of many of the titles coming out soon and it was, in a word, brown. Today, they do a new one on “new gen” and it’s a bit more, well, colorful. You decide, and tell us how important the concept of color is to your gaming experience?

Will Nintendo discontinue the Game Boy?

Modojo claims that Nintendo has quietly killed off the Game Boy line in favor of supporting the stellar and hot-selling DS. From the article: “While some might say that Nintendo supported their three pillar strategy – I believe otherwise. When it was announced that the Nintendo DS was going to be a portable gaming device that not only played Nintendo DS games, but GBA games as well, it...

Pre-launch Wii displays for Best Buy

A Best Buy employee emailed this last night unveiling “pre-awareness Wii merchandise” set to hit the retailer on November 1. Lookin’ good, count-down clock included! [Thanks, employee whose name we must not speak!]

Sony broke Lik-Sang; your Wii preorder is now worthless

Guess what? Sony broke Lik-Sang. That’s right, they broke it with a series of lawsuits and an anti-importing strategy and sued them into the ground. Have a Wii preorder with Lik-Sang? It’s gone. Refund is incoming. I have taken the liberty of reprinting the press release that you now get should you try and click “buy now” anywhere on Lik-Sang. A popular importer is out of b...

Red Steel: Now with two-handed swordplay fun

You’ve probably seen a few screenshots of the main character in Red Steel wielding two swords, but until today there’s been scant rumor or speculation — an Internet rarity — on how the player goes about securing the second blade. Conventional thinking says you discover it lying on the ground somewhere, a la your traditional FPS, but Red Steel is not shaping up to be your tr...

5 GILPS for the DS

The premise of a GILP is simple. It’s a Game I’d Like to Play, and it’s a saying I blatantly ripped off from American Pie. I’d say so sue me, but these days Jack Thompson might do just that. Anyway, eToyChest has an interesting list of GILPS up today for the DS. They are games that are not on the DS, but darn well should be. Check them out and add in the ones you think shou...

Hand drawn Wii animation video

[youtube=]From the video synopsis: “This video was an entry for a contest to win a Wii. The total time spent was close to 80 hours between drawing and editing on the computer.” Nice work! [Thanks, Awol]

Wii instruction manuals to use Helvetica font

Gamer Rag reports: “Early this morning, Nintendo of America announced that all Wii instruction manuals will be required to use Helvetica font [to divided reaction]… The move comes as Nintendo moves away from the industry standard Times New Roman…. Reggie Fils-Aime, President of Nintendo of America, defended the announcement, calling it a shrewd business move and that the industry...

Handhelds have gotten a lot smaller

As seen when comparing the massive GameGear to the recent GBA Micro. The Micro does use dated processing power, but still…