World of Goo Soundtrack up for Grabs

Kyle Gabler, co-founder of 2D boy and the composer and artist for the World of Goo; has recently released the games soundtrack for free on his portfolio page due to the overwhelming response from the fans to get their hands on a copy of it.

Thank you to everyone who emailed asking about a World of Goo Soundtrack. This is probably as close to an “official” soundtrack I’ll ever make for the game World of Goo. I’m making it available here on my personal portfolio for free. I wrote much of this music specifically for the game, but many of the tracks were excerpts from music I had written previously for various small projects, or just for fun. This soundtrack includes the full versions of most of those songs, as best as I was able to recover them. Notes accompany the tracks below.

If you have not actually tried or played the game yet, do yourself a favor and check out their website. You can download the soundtrack by clicking the link below.

World of Goo Soundtrack or Check out

An artist from New York. Will has been writing, designing, and loving video games since he was young. He has traveled across the United States, and parts of Canada in order to learn more about the world of gaming. After visiting E3 for the first time in 2009, he has vowed to return there and show off a game of his own. In his spare time he tinkers with electronics, programming, and of course collecting video games.