Another weekend has come, which means it’s time for another edition of Nintentunes. This week brings racing, angels, and a little bit of boxing to the mix so stop on by, and don’t forget the headphones!
NES-Kid Icarus
I have a confession to make. I actually don’t Kid Icarus to be a particularly…fun game. The game does have a rocking soundtrack however! Hopefully the 3DS title can win me over as a livelong Pit fan.
What don’t look at me like that, alright!
If you haven’t played ActRaiser you need to do yourself a favor and do so. You can pick it up on the Virtual Console right now in fact. Not only is the music fantastic, but the combination of the action and simulation genres is something that hasn’t been done since.
N64-Diddy Kong Racing
My preferred kart racer on the N64 was Diddy Kong Racing because of its adventure mode and wacky character design. Banjo, of Banjo-Kazooie actually makes his debut in the racer. Am I alone in thinking that Diddy Kong Racing was superior to Mario Kart 64?
Gamecube-Eternal Darkness
Eternal Darkness is one of Gamecube’s finest games, and should be in the collection of any self respected Nintendo fan. At the time the game got a bad rap for being a Resident Evil clone, but the game has so much more to offer than just shooting zombies. Give it a whirl, I promise you won’t be disappointed.
Wii-Punch Out!!
The NES Punch Out had one of the hardest final boss fights of any game I have ever played, but the Wii version has to be in the top ten. You have to be legitimately talented to have finished either game, something I can’t say I have done. One day Tyson, one day.