A little behind-the-scenes info on Infendo for you: many of us were too busy to watch, let alone post on, the Super Smash Bros. for Wii U “50-Fact Extravaganza” that streamed yesterday. Our deepest apologies for that. Since everyone who wanted to watch the broadcast has probably seen it by now, I’m going to approach it by listing my top 5 favorite items from the lengthy list we were given. Here we go:
Number 5 – Character Commentary
Those who played Kid Icarus: Uprising for the Nintendo 3DS probably remember the almost-constant commentary that went on in the background of the action. Reactions to this were mixed, but I personally loved it. Sakurai has taken this idea and implemented it into Super Smash Bros. Wii U in a way: using Pit’s down-taunt will bring up commentary from characters in Uprising, and the livestream also hinted that characters from other games will make appearances this way. One big reason I play Super Smash Bros. is to see all of Nintendo’s characters thrown together (not just in battle), and the more the merrier!
Number 4 – Miiverse Stage
A special Miiverse stage was highlighted during the stream. It won’t be available right off the bat, but when it arrives, it will actually bring user posts to the background that feature the characters who are fighting at the time. The posts will be of the hand-drawn/written variety, and I presume Miiverse users will be able to somehow tag characters in their posts so hopefully we don’t get Link posts mistaken for Peach posts. I can’t wait to see what people create!
Number 3 – More Music Than Ever Before
What can I say? I just have an enduring fondness for Nintendo music. A comparison chart in the video showed the amount of music in the 3DS version of the game vs. the amount in the Wii U version. My estimate would be there’s about 3 times as many tracks in the Wii U version. You can bet a good chunk of my time with the game will be spent listening in and choosing my favorites.
Number 2 – Two Planes of Battle in Some Stages
The livestream event shone a spotlight on a stage inspired by Donkey Kong Country Returns. Even though I disliked that game (another topic entirely), I am loving this stage. Why? There will be two planes of battle in it! This means fighters will be able to duke it out in the foreground or the background (or both!). Switching between the two is as simple as hopping into a blast barrel. I’m thrilled to see how this changes battle strategies and the like. And two-planed stages will also support…oh wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. On to number 1!
Number 1 – Eight-Player Smashing
Two-planed stages will also support matches with 5-8 players! Playing Super Smash Bros. simultaneously with 7 friends/family members is easily my most anticipated addition to the series. I had some fantastic game nights playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl with friends back in its time. I never thought I’d be able to step that up in such a dramatic way! There are some caveats, though: eight-player matches won’t be an option in online play. Also, only certain stages will be large enough to accommodate 5-8 fighters. Still, when it’s an option at all, I can easily accept the drawbacks. The question is, can you? Leave your thoughts in a comment below!
In addition to that, please also leave your top 5 favorite new things in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U! Everyone’s list will inevitably be different, so I would love to hear your thoughts.