
This WiiWare game is oozing with promise, awesome looks, and great sounds

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElcjZedGCjU[/youtube] Fluidity. Demo version available for download today on WiiWare. Awesome.

What’s on your holiday wish-list?

We’ve made it through November: you’ve stuffed yourself silly, survived the deadly mobs of Black Friday, and you’ll be eating leftover turkey sandwiches for a fortnight – but the final boss looms. Christmas. It’s about this time, your friends and family will be demanding you provide them a detailed “wish-list,” citing that there are only “X” sh...

Second Impressions: An update from Wasteland

Minor spoilers ahead. I originally jumped into Epic Mickey without reading any reviews or recent comments; I still don’t really know what the rest of the Infendo crew thinks of the game (according to post comments, I’m on one side of a rift. Really?) The first hours of of Epic Mickey were amazing: As a Disney geek, I got my money’s worth by the time I hit Mean Street. Many more h...

First Impressions: Epic Mickey is the best-looking game I’ve ever seen

I know beauty’s in the eye of the beholder, but”¦wow. This game is freaking gorgeous. Screen shots don’t do it justice; You have to see it in motion on your own tv. It’s like a finely detailed chalk pastel painting come to life. I kept stopping to simply stare at the living artwork on my television screen. And the visuals are really solid’not a glitch or tear to be seen yet. The ...

New Game Get – for the week of 11/29-12/5

So, yeah, I forgot to put up the New Game Get post this week. Forgiveness, please. On the other hand, the only game worth mentioning that came out this week is Epic Mickey for Wii. Once I’m done playing Epic Kirby and Epic Donkey Kong, I’ll get right on Epic Mickey. (Hopefully before the epic 3DS comes out!)

Donkey Kong Country Returns review

It’s been 14 long years since the last DKC sidescrolling platformer on a console. Those of us who were fortunate enough to enjoy gaming during Rare’s heyday witnessed their successful resurrection of a dwindling franchise, breathing new life into the Donkey Kong series. Retro Studios, a second-party developer that achieved uncannily similar success with their modern take on the Metroid...

Critics doubting Mickey’s epic-ness, confusing fun with effort and charm?

Since game review scores are already inflated, these numbers can’t bode well for a game dubbed Epic. What’s more, a lot of reviewers are seemingly scoring the game higher than they might have otherwise given all the effort Disney put into making the game. Unfortunately for them, effort doesn’t always equate to inspired gameplay, which is what we want. Either way, we’ll publ...

A lot of people bought Nintendo schtuff this weekend

PRESS RELEASE’When confronted with a wide range of Black Friday retail options, U.S. holiday shoppers again turned to Nintendo. Nintendo sold 900,000 combined units in the Nintendo DSâ„¢ family of systems and 600,000 Wiiâ„¢ consoles between Sunday, Nov. 21, and Saturday, Nov. 27, according to the company’s internal sales estimates. “U.S. shoppers bought about 9,000 Nintendo hardware systems ...

Poll: What’s the most underrated Wii game ever?

There are a lot in the running, but what overlooked game do you think is most deserving to be played by anyone and everyone:

This week’s Infendo Radio avoids death and plays sloppy seconds (but man, is is tasty!)

Start the holiday season off right with a fresh edition of Infendo Radio. Join Derek and I this episode as we discuss 10 reasons every Wii owner should own the new Donkey Kong, rewarding games, Wii and DS titles that should be on your radar, secondary consoles, mailbag, and how you can win a free copy of Call of Duty: Black Ops. Hope you like it. Radio Feed iTunes Feed Download links below To be f...

Find any good Holiday Weekend game deals?

If you brave the shopping craziness this weekend, keep your eyes peeled for Wii & DS game bargains. Dig through the shovelware shelves and you might find some worthwhile titles hidden among the M&M Racers and Chuck E. Cheese’s Party Games (Yes, it’s real). Today I stumbled across FF Crystal Bearers and Green Day Rock Band (exportable into RB3) for under ten bucks each at Target...