
Wii version of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 inbound

Arguably the most anticipated title to be released this year is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. The predecessors to Modern Warfare 3 have done rather well on the Wii, but until today it was unconfirmed whether the newest  entry in the franchise would find its way onto a Nintendo platform. Worry no more, Modern Warfare 3 is Wii-bound. In an investor’s conference call, Activision CEO Eric Hir...

Nintentunes, the best medicine for your iPod

NES – Airwolf [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1m_olsKO0Q[/youtube] Don’t tell me you don’t remember the game based off the 80’s American television series starting the oldest guy still acting Ernest Borgnine. Actually, when my family gifted the game to me, I didn’t either. This helicopter sim/action shooter would not qualify as a masterpiece by any stretch of...

Nintentunes: this week with and extra helping of awesome!

  Nintentunes has fast become one of my favorite features to run on Infendo. Music in games is one of the, if the the most important aspects of gaming in my opinion. With the right soundtrack, video game music can help to set the mood just as the game designer intended it. As always, enjoy the tunes and be sure to let us know how you feel about this week’s selections. 

Nintendo invades Comic-Con with new Zelda trailer

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rs9tD3vIJoY [/youtube] Nintendo has made a splash at the San Diego Comic-Con with the first publicly playable build of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Not fortunate enough to make it to San Diego this week? No problem, Nintendo has you covered with a new game trailer.  There are a few things from the trailer that stood out to me. First, I absolutely...

Top 10 best-selling Wii games of past year

According to Nintendo.com, they are as follows: Just Dance 2 Donkey Kong Country Returns New Super Mario Bros. Wii Michael Jackson The Experience Wii Fit Plus Bundle Disney Epic Mickey Mario Kart Wii Zumba Fitness Super Mario Galaxy 2 Just Dance A lot of body games in the list. Anything else stand out?

USA may have lost the World Cup, but Nintentunes is here to help you sing the blues

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yu0RR_BP-iE[/youtube] Music in games is arguably the most important aspect of any game, as game soundtracks can make or break the game experience. Imagine if world 1-1 of Super Mario Bros. didn’t include that iconic theme song, would it still be a held up as one of the greatest games of all time? Perhaps, but then I wouldn’t have a rockin cell ph...

Nintentunes is here and ready to add some class to your weekend!

Another weekend brings another edition of Nintentunes. This week there is a strong helping of RPG titles in honor of Operation Rainfall. Don’t forget to drop us a comment below if you enjoy the Nintentunes series, and let us know what your favorite Nintendo music is!

Gross photos of abandoned Wii controllers

Wired published a series of dusty, filthy, or otherwise neglected Wii hardware today. Before any avid Wii users take offense, I’m sure there are plenty of dusty Xbox and PlayStation controllers in the world. But the point is well made: most people have moved on.

Say it isn’t so! Tales of Graces not coming Stateside

Another blow for Wii owners looking for anything to get excited about outside of Skyward Sword, it looks as if Tales of Graces will not see a Wii release outside of Japan. Tales fansite Kingdom of Tales recently conducted an interview with Tales Studio director Makoto Yoshizumi, and when asked about a Wii localization, he had this to say:

Nintentunes: Independence day edition

Is there anything better than a three day weekend? How bout a three day weekend with a smidgen of Nintentunes! Join us as we celebrate America’s independence through music!

A great week for Virtual Consoles

3DS gets Kirby’s Dream Land and Wii gets Final Fantasy III (known as FF VI in Japan). Classic digital downloads rule the roost this week. I have to admit, the 3DS Virtual Console has surprised me. It was the one feature I thought I’d never use, and now I’m about to purchase my third title. There’s a moral here somewhere about gameplay over graphics, but let’s just mov...

If you like things that are awesome, Nintentunes is the place to be!

Music is by far the aspect that sticks with me the longest after the console has been powered down. Before even thinking about the awesome battle that occurred at the end of the Fire Temple, I can hear the Bolero of Fire being played in tandem by Link and Sheik. Without question the most influential pieces of music, to me, have come from video games…not Lady Gaga. With that, I welcome yo...