Mario and Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story is the third installment in the action-oriented RPG series, and when I say action-oriented you better know about “timed hits”. This time around, the game focus’s more on the King of Badness, Bowser. Something Nintendo has rarely done in previous titles unless you count Super Mario RPG the joint Square and Nintendo venture way back on t...
In 2005, Nintendo was sitting on some pretty hot technology. Instead of a joystick for its next console’then named Revolution’the company planned to release a perplexing white TV remote capable of sensing motion. If only Nintendo had an equally smoking game to showcase what the controls could do. Fast forward to today. That software turned out to be Wii Sports, which has since become a cultural ph...
Developer Next Level Games must have studied Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out for years. Because they have recaptured the spirit of that classic game and revived it with slick presentation, tight controls, and fresh perspective in the all-new Punch-Out for Wii. It doesn’t happen often, but Punch-Out not only lives up to the hype of the original, it surpasses it.
I had Puzzle Quest: Galactrix in my DS for a few hours this week and came away impressed. As a fan of the first Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords for DS, the news that they were putting out “Puzzle Quest in space” got me salivating. Galactrix is again an addicting game, but the story and world are much deeper than that in Challenge of the Warlords. Characters have much more...
I detest Final Fantasy games. Truth be told, I loath all RPGs. Yup, I’m in the 40 percent minority of gamers that doesn’t enjoy a good role playing game. After downloading Final Fantasy: My Life as a King, however, I can confidently say that I now adore the venerable series. Of course, the latest game is anything but an RPG.