[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FZWEJrqV2E[/youtube] A recent YouTube video published on Nintendo of America’s official channel has revealed details about National StreetPass Weekend, coming December 14th and 15th (a Saturday and Sunday). According to the video, “all the Nintendo Zones in North America will be put together and mixed around” on those days. Meaning that pa...
Find Mii, the built-in 3DS RPG, is designed to motivate owners to carry the 3DS around town, since pedometer coins and/or Streetpass encounters are necessary for play. It certainly worked on me; I’ve been carrying the 3DS on my commute since launch day, fighting demons and ghosts nearly every night, and I’ve finally beaten the funny little adventure. Was it worth playing through?
I think we can all agree that StreetPass is one of the most alluring features of the Nintendo 3DS. Unfortunately for me, I live in a small town with a population of about 2,000, and it’s an hour to the closest Wal-mart, and five to the closest mall. My count of StreetPass encounters to date comes to a total of…zero. But I am glad to hear that many of our readers have been more fortunat...
I have been toting my 3DS around with me everywhere I go, just for the opportunity to meet someone else’s Mii via StreetPass. Yesterday it finally happened at, of all places, the grocery store. After finally experiencing this, I have to see it’s a really neat feature! Plus his Mii helped kill a ghost on my quest to free my king. Have you had an unexpected StreetPass encounter yet?