If there was ever a game series to capture the hearts and minds of millions of players across the globe, Mario certainly takes the proverbial cake. Hailed as Nintendo’s greatest character, Mario became the poster plumber for the Nintendo brand and rightly so – by 1990, you’d be unlikely to find a single gamer who didn’t know who Mario was as the moustached man stole the attention of fans across th...
Rather than try to coordinate a live recording or reaction video, we decided to open a Discord chat and discuss our reactions that way. Here is a streamlined transcript of what we said. Time stamps are included for reference, just in case you want to watch and read along with us. (Unfortunately, time stamps only appear when a new person talks, or after a significant lapse in the chat, so consider ...
Infendo Radio is a Nintendo podcast that records every Wednesday night at 8:30 EST. Be sure to join us live, and please subscribe to our YouTube Channel! Love Nintendo podcasts? Want to support Infendo Radio? Be sure to check out our Patreon page today! We would love for your voice to be heard on the show even if you can’t join us live, so hit us up! Tweet us @infendo, or shoot an email to t...
Looking for some hot new merch? The Infendo Merch Shop has got you covered – our merch shop‘s got some brand new content, whether you’re a Pikachu or a Birdo fan (yes, those are your only choices. Get picking a side!) You can visit the Infendo Merch Shop by clicking here. And as always, happy shopping, and thank you for your support!
It is really nice that Nintendo included amiibo support, for those who collect them as a bonus, as well as providing the ability to unlock the same in-game content to gamers who do not but still want to unlock everything. Either way you play, Super Mario Odyssey is an amazing game and well worth your time.
Warning! Mild Spoilers! Super Mario Odyssey is an awesome game. People really love it. I love it too. It has been receiving excellent reviews all over the place. This, however, is not a standard review of the game. What is discussed below are the 3 new amiibo in the Super Mario series and the amiibo support for Super Mario Odyssey. As an avid amiibo collector I am always looking for the next game ...
Infendo Radio records every Wednesday night at 8:30 EST. Be sure to join us live, and please subscribe to our YouTube Channel! Want to support Infendo Radio? Be sure to check out our Patreon page today! We would love for your voice to be heard on the show even if you can’t join us live, so hit us up! Tweet us @infendo, or shoot an email to [email protected]. Follow Infendo Radio Livestream In...
This is a big week for us at Infendo Radio. If you were around for the live show, you’ll have heard that today we are officially launching our Patreon Campaign! What does this mean for you faithful listeners? Well, for starters, we want everyone to know that nothing about Infendo Radio changes. We will broadcast LIVE every Wednesday night. The podcast will still come out as scheduled every M...
Confession time: Sometimes I like to lurk through unfinished Infendo articles from years ago just for kicks. I found one by an apparently ex-Infendo writer named Michael titled “Should Super Mario Bros. Be Free to Play”. While the article wasn’t actually about making old Nintendo games free, it did get me thinking: Isn’t it about time we make the oldest titles part of a pac...
Before we begin, please note that all reviews are subjective and indicative of individual preference. While I have attempted to collect an un-biased aggregate scoring for each game mentioned in this article, nothing is absolute when discussing review scores. Everyone knows Mario. Everyone. The Mario franchise is the best-selling game franchise of all time, with over 528 million copies sold. Howeve...
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle is a creative concept, and a game that plays very well. It's biggest shortcoming is that for such a wacky fusion of two different game universes, there really isn't much being done creatively. Sure, there are the aforementioned boss battles and a handful of fun environmental scenes, but overall it feels like a missed opportunity. It's an enjoyable game, it's funny, ...