I love my Wii U, the games, the features, the game-pad, and just about everything about the console. In fact, I honestly don’t have any complaints about the console. However, there are a lot of Nintendo fans that are upset various facets of the Wii U’s existence. Whether it be the quantity of games, the lack of complete third party support, the specs on the inside (power), or almost...
After one of its worst years since the early ’80s, Nintendo is finishing strong these last couple of months by releasing really good games that are rewarded with strong sales. The company released the marvelous Zelda: Skyward Sword this month, followed by a strong Mario outing for 3DS. Up next: Mario Kart 7, which is also garnering very positive reviews early on. What’s more, Nintendo ...
I penned a story for CNN last month on why most people didn’t finish video games. The basic rule of thumb, according to developers, is that “90% of players who start your game will never see the end of it unless they watch it on YouTube.” The numbers aren’t as bleak when isolated to die-hard gamers, but combining all players, only 10% finish their games. So I ask you: {dem...
What’s the cause of Nintendo’s current slump? It has nothing to do with hardware, says Kotaku’since 2009, the company has simply stopped making killer-games: Nintendo’s quandary isn’t how to turn the 3DS into the next DS or as an answer to the iPhone or whatever hardware comparison seems fun to make. Their quandary is where their next Wii Fit is, where the successor to Wii ...
In a recent podcast, Bethesda Softworks VP Peter Hines discussed his views on graphics in games. Bethesda’s VP states that he feels that graphics are of the utmost importance in video games. Here is his quote: There’s a lot of people who say graphics don’t matter. To them I usually say ‘you’re lying’. People will look at a screenshot and make a snap decision: ...
That’s what Nintendo is charging, despite shrinking prices elsewhere, most notably on Wii, Steam, PC, iOS, and free-to-play web games. What do you think of the suggested retail price?
Here are 10 convincing ones, according to an upstart blog. What do you think?
Courtesy of Joystiq: [Bold indicates playable, * indicates working titles] Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D “The Naked Sample” Pro Evolution 3D Soccer Street Fighter IV 3D Edition Resident Evil Revelations Dynasty Warriors Chronicle Dead or Alive Dimensions Ridge Racer 3D Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle Nintendogs + cats Kid Icarus: Uprising The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time...
How to Train Your Dragon knocked me out back in March–So much so that I actually bought the Wii game. The game (DOA-style arena dragon fighting with a terrific hub village) is actually quite fun, but’in retrospect’I should’ve just gone to see the film again. Now that Dragon’s hit DVD and I’ve already watched it more times than I revisited the game, I looked back on the movi...
There are few perfect things in the world. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Pixar. Walruses. And Lego. Lego sets never have missing pieces. Lego always works, always inspires, and never disappoints’even in videogame form. Lego Star Wars proved that blasters plus exploding Lego equals awesome. Lego Indiana Jones? Not quite as good, but well done. Lego Batman? Solid. Lego Rock Band? Hilariously fun...